“Do you need someone to come over and hang out with you?”
“Are you sure, because Tucker or I would be happy to come over, watch some television, and sleep on the couch if you need that.”
Tessica’s broken heart mended just a touch with his offer. “Thanks Paul. I appreciate the offer, but I’m o… well I’mnotokay, but I will be with time.”
“If you’re sure.”
Tessica found she didn’t want to hang up yet. She wasn’t ready to talk about Connor, and she didn’t want anyone else in her space, but being on the phone with Paul made her feel marginally better. “There is something I wanted to talk to you about if you had a few minutes.”
“Sure, what’s up?”
“It’s a new idea that I’ve come up with, and I was thinking it could either be done through the club or if you don’t want to do that, maybe I could put up some flyers about it at the club.”
“What’s the idea?” Paul asked.
“It’s matchmaking for Littles to help them find the Daddies and Mommies that are compatible with them.”
“Great idea,” Paul said. “Is it a phone app or something?”
His instant approval of her concept made it easier to dive into a full explanation. “I was thinking old school paperwork. No electronic footprint for anyone to discover later on. Just paper that can be shredded after the fact. I’ve come up with a compatibility test, a list of rules for dating if people match up and even a commitment certificate. Maybe that’s a bit cheesy, but?—”
“No, it’s not cheesy,” Paul said. “It’s fantastic. I love your idea. I can’t believe no one has thought of it yet for our club. I mean, sure you can go onto Fetlife and put in your info, but a lot of us don’t actually want our fetishes on the internet for everyone to see. And Fetlife can also be a bit overwhelming for some Littles.”
“You really like it?” Tessica asked.
“I love it. I’d be happy to do it through the club, or if you want to run with it, I’d be happy to put up flyers about it at the club.”
“Thanks, Paul.” She felt close to tears again.
“And I can picture this being really helpful for tops, too. I know several Daddies who would pay to know which Littles match up with their specific kinks, and maybe more importantly, which Littlesdon’tmatch up with their kinks. I’ve known Daddies who’ve spend weeks coaxing a Little to play with them, only to find out they aren’t compatible at all.”
“Exactly,” she agreed. “Can I send you the documents I’ve created? I’d like to get your opinion. I’m open to making changes.”
“Absolutely. I probably won’t have the chance to look them over until tomorrow morning, but I’d love to see them.”
“Great, I’ll send them to you right now.”
“Can’t wait.”
“Call me tomorrow once you’ve looked at them?” Tessica tried not to sound pathetic or desperate.
“Will do.”
“Okay, I’ll let you get back to the club.”
“You sure you don’t need someone to come over?” Paul asked.
“I’m positive. Thank you though.”
“All right then. I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”
Tessica hung up the phone and stared at the screen for about half a second before bursting into noisy sobs again. Paul’s reaction wasexactlythe reaction she’d wanted from Connor. The stark contrast between their reactions made her sick to her stomach. She wasn’t in love with Paul, but he’d given her the validation and encouragement she’d so desperately wanted, and even expected, from Connor.
She put the phone back on the coffee table, rolled onto her side so she was lying on the couch, and pulled her knees up to her chest as she cried. The urge to call Connor was almost overpowering. She wanted to yell and scream. She wanted to tell him how much Paul loved her matchmaking idea. She wanted to tell him that he was a horrible Daddy to make him realize how much he’d hurt her.