He sighed and took both of her hands in his. “Tessy, tell Daddy what he said about scowling.”

“N-Not to.”

“Yes. And why aren’t you supposed to scowl at Daddy?”

“B-Because y-you always h-have my best interest at h-heart.”

“That’s right.” He pulled her onto his lap and gave her a hug. “I don’t mind if you argue a little bit, and I don’t mind if you poutor even cry sometimes, but scowling is going to get you swatted every time.”

“Sorry, Daddy.”

He kissed the top of her head. “Apology accepted.” He let her sniffle against his chest for a few minutes before nudging her to sit up. “Okay, Tessy, time for bed. I want you to go brush your teeth, wash your face, go potty, and do whatever else you usually do before going to bed.”

“Yes, Daddy.”

He helped her stand. “I’ll read you a story once you’re in bed.”


He smiled as he watched her walk to her bedroom while rubbing the sting out of her bottom. It was adorable. He checked his emails while waiting for her. About ten minutes later, he went to the bedroom to check on her. She was still in the bathroom, so he sat on the bed and pulled out his phone. He looked through his kindle library until he found a middle grade chapter book with talking animals that he’d read before.

When she came out of the bathroom he stood up, turned down the comforter, and patted the mattress.

She got in bed, and he tucked her in.

“Aren’t you going to bed, too?” She sat up in a panic, “You’re not leaving, are you, Daddy?”

“I’m not leaving,” he reassured as he gently pushed her back down. “But Daddy has some emails to finish before bed. So I’m going to read to you, turn off the light, and then go sit on the couch to do some work. Daddy will come to bed in about an hour.

“That not fair. I have emails to do, too.”

Connor shook his head. “Tessy is a Little girl who most certainly doesn’t have any emails to answer. But you’re right, it’s not fair. It’s not meant to be fair. Daddy is a responsible adult,and Tessy isn’t. There are different sets of rules for us for a reason.”

She focused on her blankets, clearly thinking that over.

Connor continued, “So you’re going to close your eyes, listen to Daddy read one chapter of an age-appropriate book, and then you’re going to go to sleep without worrying about anything while Daddy stays up to do some work.”

After a moment she looked up at him. “I don’t like it.”

“That’s okay. You don’t have to like it; you just have to do it. Because Daddy knows what’s best for you.”

With a dramatic sigh, Tessy closed her eyes. “Okay.”

“That’s my good girl.”

He kissed her head, turned off the lights, and read to her. She was asleep before the first chapter was over. Smiling, Connor went back to the living room to respond to a few emails. About half an hour later, he got ready for bed, carefully climbed in beside Tessy, and drifted off to sleep.


Tessica woke up slightly disoriented until she saw Connor sleeping beside her. Everything from the night before came rushing back to her. For the first time in her adult life she could honestly say she understood what it was like to be in ‘Little headspace’. She’d imagined it before, but the experience was different from the fantasy. Better. All of her adult thoughts and worries had moved to the background as her Little persona had taken over.

She looked at Connor again, thinking about everything he’d done as her Daddy. Again, the experience of having a Daddy calling the shots was different than the fantasy. Some of it had been better than her fantasies, but other parts had been much worse. Or maybe ‘worse’ wasn’t the right word. Visceral was probably a better descriptor. Especially the spanking.

She reached a hand back to see how sore her bottom was. Frowning, she pushed on the skin where her ass met her thighs. To her shock, there was almost no lingering soreness. She would have thought it would be sore for the rest of the day. But maybe that was part of the Little headspace. It had felt worse than it was, because she’d been eight at the time.

Moving her hands back to her pillow, she watched Connor sleep. She smiled thinking about all the wonderful things he’d done for her. Even the things that had made her cry at the time made her smile in the light of day with her adult mindset. She wasn’t even sure if she could have fully gotten into Tessy’s headspace if he hadn’t been there to push her into it. Everything he’d done helped. The separate name, the corner time, the spanking, the coloring, forcing her not to help, making dinner, cleaning up, watching an age-appropriate show, and even putting her to bed first.

Remembering how earnest he’d been when he reiterated several times that he always had her best interests at heart made her love him.