He picked up the kitchen chair and took it back to the table. He set it down and patted the seat. “Put the pillow here and have a seat.”
Tessy’s eyes were glued to the coloring books he’d left on the kitchen table. She ignored him and rushed past while holding the pillow. “Are these for me?”
“They are, but you won’t be allowed to use them tonight if you don’t listen to Daddy.”
She scowled at him with a mix of confusion and irritation.
He raised an eyebrow, wondering if Little Tessy was generally less agreeable than adult Tessica, because most recently spanked Littles wouldn’t scowl at him. Speaking sternly, he said, “I told you to put the pillow on the chair and to have a seat. But maybe you shouldn’t have a pillow if you’re giving me that look.”
She immediately shook her head. “No, Daddy, I’m sorry. I was distracted.” She put the pillow on the chair and gingerly sat down. “See, I’m listening, and being good.”
“All right.” Connor scooted the chair in so that the three color books were in front of Tessy along with a pack of sixty-four crayons. “Daddy wants you to sit here and color while I make dinner.”
“Yes, Daddy,” Tessy agreed, eagerly looking through the pictures.
Connor got out some of the groceries he’d bought earlier that day specifically for tonight’s dinner. Knowing that adult Tessica wasn’t very picky had made it easy to shop. He hoped Little Tessy wasn’t picky either, but most of the Littles he’d met enjoyed spaghetti. He had put a box of chicken nuggets in the freezer in case the spaghetti was a bust, but he wasn’t planning to tell her about those unless he had to.
He checked her lower cupboards to find pots and pans.
“What are you looking for?” She asked.
“Never you mind. Did you pick something to color?” He found the correct cupboard, and pulled out a big pot for boiling noodles, and a large saucepan. He glanced back at her and found her scowling again.
Once they made eye contact, she focused back on the coloring books. “I’m still deciding.”
He focused back on cooking for the next several minutes. He diced some fresh onion, garlic, and mushrooms, and then opened a can of black olives and a can of spaghetti sauce.
“What are you making?” she asked.
“Yummy,” she said.
Pleased that it wasn’t going to be a problem, he opened a few upper cupboards looking for the spices.
“What are you looking for now?” she asked.
He turned back to her. “You don’t need to worry about that, Tessy.Daddyis cooking, not you. I have everything covered. Your job is to color.”
There was her scowl again. “I’m just trying to help.”
“You aren’t in charge of this kitchen tonight, Tessy, Daddy is. You can help out by listening to Daddy. I want you to focus on coloring a picture.”
Glancing down at her color book she muttered, “I could colorandtell you where things are at the same time.”
Surprised to hear so much sass coming from her post-spanking, he wondered again about her age. If Little Tessy was closer to ten than five, she might genuinely want to help him cook rather than coloring. Making her color might seem like he was excluding her or punishing her.
“If you want to help Daddy cook, we can put the coloring books away until after dinner, and you can stir things,” he suggested.
Her eyes snapped to his and she held her coloring book to her chest. “No, I don’t want to put them away, Daddy.”
“That’s fine. We don’t have to put them away, but youdohave to focus on coloring if we keep them out.”
“I will, Daddy. It just… it seems silly not to ask me where things are.”
Connor shook his head. “It’s not silly. It’s all part oftrustingDaddy to take care of things. But I can see that’s difficult for you, so Daddy’s going to help.”
He pulled out the kitchen chair that was across from Tessy, and patted the seat. “Come sit on this side of the table so you can’t see what Daddy’s doing while you color.”