“Daddy, please,” she begged as she squirmed to get her bottom out of the line of fire.

“Do you think it was naughty of you to keep things from me?” he asked.

“Yes, Daddy, it was,” she said. “I’m sorry!”

He could tell she wasn’t full-on crying but she was sniffling. Hopefully having a conversation with her naked bottom inthe air waiting to be spanked some more would bring on the waterworks sooner rather than later. He thought that pausing and making her answer some questions and repeat some uncomfortable phrases would push her Little side to the forefront.

“Good girl. If you hide things from Daddy again, you’ll be going right back over my knee for another bare-bottom spanking. Is that clear, Tessy?”

“Yes, Daddy.”

“Let’s be sure. Tell me what happens if you hide things from me.”

“You’ll s-spank me.”

“No, be specific. Tell me exactly what I’m going to do if you hide things from Daddy again.”

Squirming even more she said, “Y-you’ll put me over your knee and spank my b-bare bottom.”

“That’s right, I will. You think about that while I finish the lesson, and then we’ll be all done.”

Before she could say anything else, he started spanking again. But this time he aimed every swat on her sit-spots moving from right to left and back again.

“Oww! Daddy! Oww! Owww!” She broke down into noisy sobs when he didn’t stop at six spanks. Her feet kicked the air as if trying to run away from the horrible sting.

Knowing that he’d gotten her to the place where she needed to be, he stopped spanking. Her feet kept kicking even after the swats stopped.

“Okay, sweetheart, all done.” Connor rubbed her back with the hand that had been spanking her moments ago. “I know for sure you’ve learned your lesson, and you’ve got a clean slate.”

She stopped kicking and put all her energy into crying.

He let go of her captured wrist. “Let’s get you upright so you can sit on Daddy’s lap and get a hug.” Gently, he flipped her over,spread his legs so that her sit spots were pressure free between them, and then pulled her upper half into a hug.

Her hands automatically clutched his shirt, and she pressed the side of her face against his chest as she continued to cry.


Connor put his left hand on Tessy’s hip, rubbed her heaving back with his right, and gently rocked her while she cried. He was pleased that his methods seemed to have worked, but now he needed to build up what he’d broken down. He needed to make Tessy feel loved, safe, secure, and happy without letting adult Tessica make an appearance.

Once her crying had calmed down to sniffles, he patted her back. “Okay, Tessy, it’s time to be Daddy’s good girl now. I want you to stand up so I can hand you some tissues and get you dressed.”

She whimpered in protest, but moved when his hands guided her up and off his lap.

Connor stood up and walked over to the attached bathroom. He grabbed a handful of tissues and handed them to Tessy. “Blow your nose and clean up your tears.”

While she did that, Connor went to the bed and picked up a paper shopping bag. He held it up for her to see.

“Want to guess what this is?”

She shook her head, and rubbed her bottom with a hiss.

“While you were busy working all day, Daddy went shopping.”

“Shopping?” she asked, eyeing the bag. “Shopping for what?”

“For you.”

“For me?”