Connor used his hands on her hips to turn her to the side, and made quick work of unzipping her skirt. It slipped down her legs to pool around her feet, leaving her bottom half naked. But the hem of her blouse came down far enough to keep her modesty intact when she was standing.

Keeping his hands on her hips, he moved her over to his right side, and then quickly bent her over his lap.

“Oh!” Tessica gasped as she fell. She grasped the comforter with one hand and gripped the lower leg of his slacks with the other.

He flipped her blouse up out of the way in the back and rested his right hand on the center of her bare backside.

“When I give you an order, I expect you to obey me. It doesn’t matter if you like the order or not, because Daddy knows what’s best for you. Do you understand me?”

“Yes, Daddy,” she answered with a sniffle.

He thought she sounded Littler already. “Good girl. Let’s make sure you remember.”

He gave her backside a solid slap, jolting her body forward an inch.

“Ow!” she whined. Her entire body tensed.

Before she could get past the sting, he landed a smack on the right side.


He smacked the left side.

“Ow!” Her toes came off the carpet in a light kick.

Now that the initial shock was out of the way, he picked up the pace. He tried not to hit the same spot twice in a row, and within seconds she was yelping and kicking her toes into the carpet.

Once he was sure she wasn’t thinking about anything other than her current situation, he stopped spanking. Her body stilled and tensed almost immediately. He rubbed gentle circles on her back until her body slowly relaxed across his lap.

She sniffed and wiped her face with the sleeve of her blouse.

He could tell she wasn’t fully crying, even if a few tears might have slipped out.

“Okay, Tessy, I’m going to let you up, and you’re going to march yourself straight to the corner. Do you understand me?”

“Yes, Daddy,” she answered.

He pulled her upright, stood up with her, and kissed her forehead before giving her a nudge toward the corner.

She quickly walked over to the junction where the walls met and stood facing it. The hem of her blouse had fallen back down to cover her bottom. She put her hands back to rub out the sting.

“Hands down at your sides,” Connor said.

She immediately put them down.

“What are you supposed to be thinking about while you’re in the corner, Tessy?”

“How naughty it was to work late instead of telling you I was nervous about tonight.”

“That’s right. And what’s going to happen after your corner time is up?”

“Y-you’re going to spank me again.”

“That’s right, I am. And what is that spanking going to be for?”

“For not telling you I was nervous.”

“Very good. Do you think that was naughty?”