“I told him I’d take him home with me Saturday morning when I fly back to Juneau.”
“That’s fantastic!” Tessica gushed. “I’ll get all the paperwork ready for you, and bring it home with me tonight.”
He stood in the doorway of the bathroom. “No, I’ll come fill out the paperwork and pick him up Saturday morning. I don’t want you thinking about anything other than being Little tonight.”
Her smile faded a bit, but she nodded. “Okay.”
Once he’d closed the bathroom door, Tessica rolled onto her back and sighed. She’d never been able to fully get into her Little headspace, and she was worried that she’d disappoint Connor if she couldn’t fully commit. Would he even want to continue their relationship if she couldn’t fully sink into feeling Little? Would the pressure of wanting to please him make it even harder for her to get out of her adult mindset?
Connor came out of the bathroom, got dressed, and leaned down to kiss her.
“See you tonight,” she said.
“Can’t wait,” he answered before walking out.
Once she heard the front door close, she got out of bed to get in the shower. The longer she stayed in bed ‘relaxing’ the more nervous she would become. Getting a jumpstart on her workday and looking over her notes for her upcoming meeting sounded more relaxing.
That afternoon while Tessica drove to the shelter her phone rang. She pushed the hands-free button on the dash to answer.
“Hey, it’s Gwen.”
“What’s up?”
“Earlier today a young woman came by the vet clinic asking if we had any job openings. We don’t, but I told her that Fur-Ever Friends was looking for help and gave her the address. Here name is Kelly. She’ll probably show up this afternoon wanting to fill out an application.”
“That’s great, thank you. I have three interviews set up for this weekend. I can add her to the schedule.”
“I’m not sure if it’s a good or bad thing, but she seemed pretty desperate for a job, and she looks young. She can’t be over twenty-five.”
“Getting someone young and energetic could be a good thing.”
“Exactly. Speaking of energetic, how was your ‘adult time’ with Connor last night after you left the club?” Gwen teased.
Tessica laughed. “None of your business, young lady.”
“Aw, you’re no fun.”
“How was the rest of your evening after I left?”
“It was okay. That new guy, Brian, came over and read a couple of stories. He talked to us about putting up a doctor play station.”
“What do you think of that idea?”
“I don’t think it would do much for me one way or another, but I think a lot of my Little friends would like it.”
“What did you think of Brian? He’s cute, and he’s a doctor in real life.”
Gwen laughed. “Are you trying to set me up?”
“Aren’t you the one who’s always lamenting the fact that you don’t have a Daddy of your own?”
Gwen sighed. “Yeah. And I do want a Daddy of my own, but not Brian. He’s a doctor!”
“You’re a doctor, Gwen.”
“Exactly! No thanks.”