She sucked in a deep breath as her pupils dilated with lust. “I’ve never done any of that, but I’m already wet just from the description. Not to mention watching you being so sweet and gentle with Susan had me almost panting at the club.” She turned so her back was to him. “Please, put it on me, Sir.”
Connor blinked at the back of her head for a few seconds as the pieces fell into place for him. The beautiful submission she’d shown him was the reason he was so turned on by her in Mommy mode. It was as if there was a secret side to her that only he was privy to. A submissive side that only he brought out in her, which made it erotic for him to see her dominate others.
He gently tied the blindfold in place, and knew without a doubt that he’d never be able to separate his emotions from sex when he was with her, but he was too horny to care. He grasped her upper arm in a firm grip. “Bedroom.”
“Yes, please.” She let him guide her to the bedroom.
Tessica woke up as the first light of dawn came through the bedroom window. She glanced at Connor’s sleeping form beside her, and smiled softly. It had been a long time since she’d shared a bed with someone, but she’d slept better than usual. Which probably had more to do with being worn out from their bedroom activities than having a warm body next to her.
She checked her alarm clock and turned it off before it could ring. Her shoulder muscles complained at the movement. She scanned her wrists, and then lifted the covers to check her breasts. There were no lingering rope burns or marks. Connor clearly had done rope play before and knew what he was doing. She rolled her shoulder and knew she’d be sore all day from having her arms bound in front of her. Then she gently touched her nipple with the palm of her hand and winced. Those were going to be sore all day, too.
But she didn’t regret agreeing to it. She’d loved every second, and being sore all day would only remind her of their lovely night together. Being blindfolded had seemed to enhance every touch, from Connor undressing her and slowly wrapping the rope in intricate patterns around her upper half, to him roughly tightening the knots until it verged on pain.
When he finished binding her, he trailed his fingers along all of her exposed strips of skin between the ropes, making it tingle. Then he focused on her breasts. With the ropes cutting off a portion of her circulation, her breasts felt engorged, and when he sucked, nipped, and tweaked her nipples, she immediately begged for more. He denied her until the pleasure mixed with pain.
Finally, he pushed her onto her back, spread her legs, and fucked her without once touching her clit, keeping her greedy to come. Once he found his release, he loosened the knots on the rope keeping her breasts engorged. As the blood flowed normally again, causing all new pain and pinpricks along her skin, he’d ran his tongue across her clit a couple of times before she orgasmed with a surprised scream. She barely noticed as he untied all the ropes and finally removed the blindfold.
They looked into each other’s eyes for a few seconds before he leaned down and claimed her mouth.
When he pulled back, she said, “That was amazing. Thank you.”
He brushed the hair away from her face. “No. Thank you for trusting me enough to let me do it.”
“Will you stay with me tonight?”
He glanced at the door, and then turned back to her. “I will.”
Smiling at the memory of last night, Tessica reached out and touched Connor’s chest.
He opened one eye and gave her a slow smile. “Morning.”
“I’m not sure what your schedule is like this morning, but I have an eight o’clock appointment, and I’ve got to go feed the animals pretty soon.”
“I’ll feed them,” he said. “You spend the morning relaxing. Take a long shower and have a decent breakfast before your meeting. I’ll go to the shelter, feed the animals, and go back to my hotel room to shower.”
“Are you sure?”
“Okay. Thank you.”
Connor propped his head up. “Speaking of this evening, I want to spend time with Little Tessica tonight.”
Her stomach lurched. “Tonight?” she squeaked.
He nodded. “I’ll meet you here at five o’clock. I’ll bring some color books, and you can color while I cook dinner for us.”
“I… I guess we could try.”
“Will you spend the night again?” She didn’t know how she’d be feeling after Little time, but she doubted she’d want to be alone
“Sure.” He lifted the covers and scooted off bed. “Oh, and you win. I’ve decided to adopt Butch.”
“You have?”