Tessica’s heartbeat picked up at that mental image. “Effortlessly?”

Connor shrugged. “It was easier when I was in my forties, but I picked up one of my subs last month. I may have to stifle a groan if my old body protests, but yeah, I’d still call it effortless.”

Tessica wished she wasn’t wearing a hot sweater, and had to fan herself as her cheeks heated up.

Connor stepped into her personal space, put his hands on her waist, and whispered in her ear. “I had no idea it would be a turn-on for me, but watching you in Mommy mode being strict with Gwen makes me half hard. When she leaves I want to bend you over the kitchen table and fuck you.”

Tessica gasped. His words made her clit throb with desire. “Only if you carry me to it,” she said breathlessly.

“Deal.” He leaned in to claim her mouth with his for several moments before stepping back. “Anything else before we go back out?”


He opened the door for her, and they both went back to the living room to stand in front of Gwen. She fidgeted and bit her thumbnail.

“Are you going to be a good girl if I let you out of timeout?” Tessica asked.

“Yes, Mommy.”

“Okay, so we’re all going to go back to the kitchen and eat our lunch. And you’re not going to complain about your sandwich anymore, are you?

“No, Mommy Tessica, I’m not.”

“All right.” Tessica turned to Connor. “Can you bring Gwen to the table please?”

“What?” Gwen cocked her head, looking confused.

“Sure,” Connor answered. He walked over, scooped Gwen up with one hand behind her back and the other under her knees. He pulled her to his chest and stood up.

“Ah!” she squeaked and wrapped her arms around his shoulders to hold on. “What are you doing?” There was panic in her voice.

“Taking you to the table like Mommy Tessica asked,” he answered as he carried her over.

“But, I can walk.”

Tessica pulled Connor’s chair out before going to her own. Connor sat and settled Gwen in his lap. “I know you can, but I wanted to carry you.” Connor pulled Gwen’s plate over to sit directly next to his. “Now eat your sandwich.”

Tessica had to discreetly fan herself with a napkin for a moment before taking a long drink of water.

“On your lap?” Gwen asked, sounding scandalized.

“That’s right.” He picked up her sandwich, and held it in front of her mouth. “Do I need to feed you, or can you do that yourself?”

She glanced at Tessica.

“If I were you, I’d do what Daddy Connor says.” Tessica ate a bite of her own sandwich.

Gwen took her sandwich from Connor’s hand and finally did the same.

Soon they were all eating lunch, and Connor distracted Gwen by asking her again which craft activity she’d like to do first.

Over the course of the next four and a half hours, the three of them did the puzzle together, built some clay animals, and then painted a few pictures.

Tessica kept an eye on the clock, and at ten minutes before five, she cleared her throat. “Gwen, ten more minutes, and then it’s time to feed the animals and head home.”

Gwen pouted, but nodded. “Okay.”

Pleased that Gwen wasn’t going to argue, Tessica finished the last few strokes on her current painting, before cleaning things up.