Tessica shrugged. “Probably, but it’s temporary.”

“Just keep an eye on it. I don’t want to have to go into Daddy mode with you, but I will if I think you need it.”

Tessica blushed and shook her head. “No need for that, I promise.”

“I’ll take you at your word for now. And remember, if you need anything, anything at all, I’m more than happy to help.”

She leaned against his solid chest and gave him a tight hug. “Thank you. Knowing I can count on you means a lot.” She let go and added. “But this…” she gestured to the room at large, “…is what I really need right now.”

“I get that.” Paul let her go and went back to the snack table.

Tessica glanced over at Gwen and Susan. They looked like an odd couple standing by the snacks. Susan’s long chestnut brown hair fell straight down her back. Gwen’s short, curly blond hair bounced with every step she took. Susan was tall and thin, while Gwen was short and curvy. Their differences didn’t stop at thesuperficial. Gwen was outgoing, chatty, and pushy when she didn’t get her way. Susan was introverted, shy, and quiet. But the two were inseparable when they were in their Little headspaces.

A less charitable person might say Gwen bossed Susan around and Susan meekly allowed it, but Tessica thought both Littles got something out of their relationship. Susan got to hang back and let Gwen do the talking, which gave Susan time to assess a situation without being overwhelmed. And Gwen got the ego boost of having someone look up to her and follow her lead.

Tessica went over to the reading area where three other Littles were sitting on pillows around the bookshelf. She sat on a folding chair next to the bookshelf, and the Littles all perked up and greeted her.

After saying hello to the two she knew, Tessica focused on a young man she didn’t recognize who appeared to be in his mid-twenties. He was looking through a picture book with his thumb in his mouth.

“Hi there, I’m Tessica. What’s your name?”

“Marcus,” he said around his thumb.

“Nice to meet you, Marcus. Are you here with someone tonight?”

He nodded and pointed to a man near the snack table.

“Is he getting you a snack?”

Marcus nodded again.

“That’s nice.”

Gwen held two plates when she came back to the book area, with Susan following behind her.

“Sit here,” Gwen told Susan.

Once Susan sat, Gwen handed her a plate, and sat down beside her. Gwen took a bite of apple and said to Tessica, “The new books are on top of the shelf.”

“I see that.” Tessica picked up the three books and glanced through them. She didn’t recognize any of them, so she held up all three for the Littles to see. “Gwen, why don’t you pick the first one?”

Gwen pointed to the book on the right, and Tessica set the other books back on the shelf. Soon she was reading a book about a frog named Norma.

The Littles seemed enraptured by the story, and everyone listened attentively without interruption until the end. Once Tessica closed the book, she focused on the Littles. “Let’s go around the circle and everyone can tell me one thing you liked about the story.”

Half an hour later, all the new books had been read and discussed. Some of the other Littles had wandered in and out of the area while she read, but Gwen, Susan, and Marcus had stayed for all three. Marcus’ Daddy stood off to the side and watched after he gave Marcus a snack.

Tessica focused on Marcus’ Daddy and asked, “Did you want to read a couple of books?”

“No thanks. But Marcus would really enjoy it if you would read a book about cars.”

Marcus nodded his head enthusiastically.

“Cars?” Gwen wrinkled her nose. “Boring.”

“Now Gwen,” Tessica scolded. “Just because the subject matter isn’t something you’re fond of, doesn’t mean other people can’t enjoy it. Have you and Susan colored any pictures yet?”

After an exaggerated put-upon sigh, Gwen turned to Susan. “Want to color for a while?”