Connor moved the cups, moved his chair out of the way, undid his pants and let them fall to the floor. Then bent over the table at a ninety-degree angle and leaned on his hands.

“Underwear, too.”

He stood, pushed them down off his hips, and bent back over.

“I’m going to give you ten. I don’t have a lot of practice wielding a belt, so if I accidentally hit something I shouldn’t, your safeword is red. Got it?”

“Got it.”

Tessica pushed his shirt up on his back, and left her hand there.

“If I do something that upsets you in our day-to-day life, you talk to me in a calm and rational way until we resolve the issue together. You don’t lash out at me and make threats to get my compliance. Is that clear?”

“Yes, ma’am.”

Satisfied with the sincerity she heard in his voice, Tessica lifted her arm high, and snapped the belt down across the very middle of his backside.

He hissed and his entire body tensed.

She waited a moment for him to get past the initial shock of it, and inspected the pink mark that was forming on his skin. Deeming that about the correct amount of force, she aimed for the spot right under that stripe, and landed another.

A small grunt escaped him, but he stayed completely still.

Tessica had to admit there was a small bit of satisfaction in this. She wasn’t getting off on it, but it certainly felt justified. She waited for a few seconds before slapping the belt against the lowest part of his backside.

Again he let out a little noise of discomfort, but that was it.

Tessica was no stranger to dishing out a spanking to a misbehaving Little, but that was vastly different to what she was doing now. She found it fascinating to see the skin turning such a vivid shade of pink so quickly after the lash landed. She aimed for his sit- spots on the fourth lash.

Connor let out a loud surprised grunt.

She took aim again and slapped the belt against his upper thighs.

He grunted again and a moment later he hissed and muttered, “Fuck.”

Frowning, she said, “I don’t think swearing is appropriate when I’m punishing you for lashing out at me.”

“Sorry.” His voice sounded tight.

She aimed for the middle of his ass where the first lash had landed, and put another stripe on top of the first.

His body jerked forward a few inches, his entire body tensed, and a much higher- pitched noise came out of his throat.

She put some gentle pressure on his lower back, and he slowly moved back to his original position. She waited a fewmore seconds until the tense muscles in his back relaxed marginally before landing the seventh stripe just below the sixth.

He stayed in place, kept his jaw clenched, and his lips pressed shut, but another high-pitched grunt emanated from his throat.

The justification she’d felt earlier, dwindled, and Tessica found she really didn’t want to give him the last three. But that wouldn’t set a good precedent. She took a deep breath, and gave him another smack.

Again he stayed still, and kept his mouth shut, but the noise that came out of him sounded more like a yelp than a grunt.

“Last two,” she said. “I’m going to do them fast, so brace yourself.”

His body tensed beneath her hand.

Tessica didn’t put quite as much force into the last two smacks, but she doubted he noticed since they landed on his sit-spots and then upper thighs.

His body jerked forward, and an audible “Ah!” came out of him right after the last lick.