“Hi,” she said.

They talked at length about her interviews and eventually the topic moved to his trip home with Butch.

Connor heard a buzzing over the line.

Tessica said, “Sorry, I’ve got to go. My son is calling.”

“No problem. I’ll talk to you later.”

“Okay, bye.”

He opened his mouth to say more, but she’d disconnected the call already. Sighing, he pulled the pone away from his ears. His eyebrows went up when he realized they’d been talking for well over an hour. He would have guessed half that time.

He glanced down at Butch, who was currently sound asleep on his lap. The cat was nice, but Connor knew without a doubt that he’d be happier if Tessica was sitting beside him. He focused on his phone and googled homes for sale in Beaverton. The rest of his evening was spent searching for houses in Oregon, even though he firmly told himself that he wasn’t going to act on anything for at least six months.

Three days later on Tuesday morning, Tessica went to meet her new employee, Kelly, at the shelter. It was Kelly’s second day, so Tessica shadowed Kelly while the young woman fed all the animals and got the lobby ready for Fur-ever Friends to open.

“Good job,” Tessica said, once everything had been done. “You can unlock the door and put the sign out front.”

Once they were open, Tessica went over how to post available pets to social media sites, and Kelly seemed to pick it up quickly.

After lunch, Tessica set up her laptop in the far corner of the front counter, and let Kelly handle a few customers by herself.

Tessica pulled up the six forms she’d created over the past three days. Once she had the idea to help Littles get adopted, she’d let her imagination run wild. She didn’t count the hours she’d spent creating the forms as ‘work’. It had been fun and exciting to come up with them, and it helped her not to miss Connor.

First was the sixteen-page multiple-choice compatibility test. That had been the most difficult to come up with. She took bits and pieces from dating site questionnaires, kinky questionnaires, and personality tests to compile the right set of questions. It had originally been almost thirty pages, but she’d whittled it down to sixteen. She’d have to put it to the test to see if the form need any adjustments.

Second was the three-page essay questionnaire that went with the compatibility test. That one had been easy to make since it mostly consisted of blank space for the participants to fill out. But she thought the questions she asked were essential for figuring out what a person wanted from a kinky relationship.

Third was the waiver form that participants would have to sign. That one she basically copied and pasted from the waiver at Connections with a few minor changes.

The fourth form was a list of dating rules form that participants would have to sign. That one she made up entirely on her own. She needed to make sure the Littles in her care were safe, and this was the best way to do that. They would know in advance what was expected of themselves, and moreimportantly, what was expected of their date before they left her office.

Fifth was the after-date summary form that all participants would be required to complete. That way Tessica could tell how things were going. If it was obvious a couple wasn’t compatible, she could let them know before anyone fell in love.

The sixth and final form was a certificate stating that someone had found their ‘Forever Daddy’.

Tessica looked over each form, checked for errors, made little changes here and there, and then saved the documents again. She stared at the computer without actually seeing it, and fantasized about telling Connor all of her matchmaking plans. It had been difficult not to blurt them out over the phone when they’d spoken on Saturday, but she didn’t want to tell him about a half-baked plan before she had time to carefully figure it all out. And after Saturday they’d texted every day, but they hadn’t spoken over the phone again. Now that her plan was firmly established, she wanted to tell him about it in person.

She hoped he’d be as excited about it as she was. But even if he wasn’t excited about her plans, she thought she could at least talk him into filling out all the paperwork along with her in a trial run to see how their compatibility scores matched up. She couldn’t wait to hear his opinions on the list of rules and the multiple-choice questionnaire. Hopefully he’d have some suggestions for improving them.

And a very small part of her hoped that eventually he’d want a certificate stating he was Little Tessy’s forever Daddy. Just thinking about that made her stomach clench with nerves and excitement, which seemed odd since that was such a small part of who she was. She chalked it up to generalized excitement over the whole project.

Even if Connor wasn’t excited about the project as a whole, she sincerely hoped he’d be supportive of her new venture, and that it would bring them closer together as a couple.

“Tessica?” Kelly called.

Brought out of her fantasies, Tessica focused on her new employee. “Yes?”

“This lady says she wants to adopt the toy poodle, Toby. She was here yesterday to meet him.”

Shutting her laptop, Tessica got up with a smile for her customer. “Yes, of course. I remember you. Welcome back.” She focused on Kelly and put all thoughts of matchmaking out of her mind. “I’ll show you how to do that paperwork.”


Connor arrived at Fur-Ever Friends about ten minutes before closing on Thursday evening. He’d planned to get there earlier in the afternoon, but his flight had been delayed. They’d agreed to go to Littles’ night at Connections later, but he wasn’t excited about it this time, because he couldn’t wait to have Tessica to himself and in his bed. But if things went his way, they’d have enough time for a quickie before heading to the club, and then tomorrow he could spend most of his time with her.

He walked through the door and was greeted by a pretty young woman with olive skin standing by the front counter. “Welcome to Fur-Ever Friends. How can I help you?”