While they did that, Tessica finished all the paperwork, and boxed up some essentials that Connor would need for the first couple of days.
When Connor and Gwen came back out, Gwen told Tessica, “I can see why you wanted Connor to take him. Butch is like a different cat around him. He’s a little Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.”
Connor added, “I have to admit I was shocked to hear him growl at Gwen.”
Tessica nodded in agreement and handed Gwen the health certificate for her to fill out. Then Tessica spent the next few minutes telling Connor what she’d packed in the box for Butch, and went over some of the basic information about feeding him.
Before she was ready to say goodbye, Connor said, “I should probably get going. Can’t be late for my flight.”
They put Butch in his new cat carrier, handed Connor his paperwork, and helped him carry things to his car. He gave Tessica a chaste kiss goodbye, and drove off.
Gwen put an arm around Tessica’s waist. “Another forever home found.”
“Yeah.” The joy Tessica usually felt when she saw an animal leaving with a happy new pet owner was dampened by the feeling of loss in the pit of her stomach as she watched Connor drive off.
“And you know he’s going to be a great pet owner, because he’s a great Daddy.”
Tessica had the urge to chase Connor’s car down the road so she could beg him not to leave. Forcing that to the back of her mind, Tessica focused on Gwen. “Let’s get out of the cold.”
The two women walked back into the animal shelter.
Once they got inside, Gwen uploaded the health certificate information for Butch. “When will Connor be back again?”
Tessica sighed. “Not until next Thursday.”
“That sucks. I bet you wish he was taking you home to be your forever Daddy instead of Butch!”
Tessica forced a chuckle, but those words hit a little too close to home to be funny. Little Tessywouldlike it if Connor was her forever Daddy.
As if reading her mind, Gwen said, “I know I’d like a forever Daddy.”
Tessica was about to file Butch’s paperwork, and the words ‘Adoption Certificate’ caught her eye. She scrutinized the words as her mind raced. She matched pets with their prefect families all the time; why couldn’t she also match Littles with their forever Daddies?
“Earth to Tessica.”
Startled out of her train of thought, Tessica turned to her friend. “What?”
“I said I’ve got to go. My shift starts in an hour, and I’ve got to get breakfast on the way. But the paperwork is all done for Butch.”
“No problem, I’ve got to get ready for my interviews anyway.”
“How many do you have?” Gwen asked.
“Four, including the woman you sent my way.”
“Thanks for all your help,” Tessica said.
“See you later.”
Gwen left, and Tessica forced herself to put Butch’s adoption paperwork away, and get out her interview questions. But as shelooked them over, the idea of matching up Littles and Daddies wouldn’t leave her head, no matter how much she told herself that the concept was ridiculous.
Connor unlocked the door to his apartment and set the cat carrier inside the door along with his overnight bag.
“Be right back,” he told Butch.