
“Would you be open to doing a private playdate with me and Tessica?”

Tessica looked up from her paper to glare at Connor for being so presumptuous, but he was focused on Gwen.

He continued, “We discussed the possibility of topping a Little together, and I thought you might be a good candidate.”

“Really?” Gwen asked. “I mean, sure. Yes. I’d like that.” She grinned. “I’m off tomorrow!”

Connor chuckled. “I’m not sure about tomorrow, but if you give me your phone number or email, I can let you know.”

“Okay.” Gwen pulled one of her business cards out of her vet bag and wrote an email address on the back. “This is my personal email and my phone number.”

“Thank you.” Connor pulled his phone out of his pocket and texted his name and email to the number she’d given him. “There you go. Now you have my email and number, too.”


“I’ll text you tonight once Tessica and I have had a chance to talk it over.”

“Okay, great.”

Tessica continued to glare at Connor. She wasn’t sure why he thought it was okay to make plans and decisions without her input, but she didn’t like it. And she was going to give him a piece of her mind, but not in front of Gwen.

Gwen seemed to pick up on the tension in the room before Connor did and grabbed her jacket. “Well, I’m off.”

“Thanks again for helping today,” Tessica said.

“You’re welcome.” Gwen put her jacket on, picked up her vet bag, and walked out.

Once they were alone, Tessica spoke up. “That was not okay.”

“What wasn’t okay?” Connor asked.

“You can’t make plans that involve me without checking with me first.”

He blinked a couple of times and eventually nodded. “You’re right. I’m sorry. I’m so used to making decisions for the Littles and submissives that I play with, that I didn’t think twice about it.”

Tessica nodded. “Apology accepted. I can understand why that would be your automatic response, but if we’re going to date, we’re going to be equals ninety percent of the time. And that means consulting me before making plans.”

He nodded. “Point taken. I’ll work on it. How’s your list coming?”

“That’s another thing. You can’t order me around in front of the Littles that I Mommy.”

Connor shook his head. “I don’t agree. Littles understand hierarchy. You won’t lose their respect just because you answer to me.”

“Littles also understand a united front. If they know I have to answer to you, which I have issues with by the way, then when I say no to something, they’ll automatically go ask you to see if they can get you to overrule me.”

“Hmm.” Connor paused a moment. “Okay, I see your point. As long as it’s not something involving your health or well-being, I’ll do my best not to undermine your authority.”

“Thank you.”

“But you working yourself into the ground does involve your health and well-being, so finish the list.” He raised an eyebrow in challenge.

Tessica frowned, but got back to the task at hand. The more she wrote, the worse it looked. Unfortunately, the Mommy in her wouldn’t let her lie about it, no matter how bad it was. She dutifully wrote it all down. By the time she was finished, she was appalled by the numbers. She winced and glanced up to faceConnor’s condemnation, but he wasn’t there. She turned and saw him near the back, petting Butch.

“All done?”

She nodded. “Maybe we should go over the shelter news first.”