Tessica beat him to it. “What do you like to do as a Daddy in the clubs?”
“Well, if your presence hadn’t distracted me last night, I probably would have spent my time at the craft table. I like helping Littles do physical things like arts and crafts. I probably wouldn’t spend much time at the television area or book area.”
“Are you usually looking for sex when you go to Littles’ night?”
“Looking for it? Certainly not. Receptive to it if it’s offered? Definitely. But then I’d say that’s true for any night in any club. What about you?”
“Me? I told you I haven’t had sex for eighteen years.”
“Hard to forget that one. My question is, what do you like to do as a Mommy at the club?”
“Oh. I usually stay at the reading area for a good portion of the night. But once everyone has had the chance to hear a book, I generally check out the other areas with the Littles I know.”
“And are Gwen and Susan regulars that you play with?”
“Yes. But I’m not officially their Mommy. We’re all just unattached. There are six other Littles that I play with once in a while when they show up.”
“Why aren’t you officially their Mommy?”
“Because they’re both looking for Daddies. Whether things become sexual or not, they both long for a male figure. I’m just filling in as a substitute until they can find their forever Daddy.”
“And are you looking for a forever Little of your own? And if so, would you want a girl, a boy, or does that matter?”
Tessica’s eyebrows furrowed as she took a drink of wine. “I don’t think I want a Little of my own, but that could be because all the people at the club are so much younger than me. Or maybe because I spent so many years taking care of my husband and boys that I’m not interested in picking up after another man.”
“What about a Little girl?”
“I don’t think so. I’m much more interested in being the surrogate who helps them find their forever Daddy or Mommy.”
“Ah, so you like being a matchmaker.”
Tessica shrugged. “You could say that. A couple of years ago I did introduce a Daddy to a Little that I played with regularly. They ended up getting married.”
“Nice. And what about your Little side? Does she want a forever Daddy of her own?”
Tessica’s cheeks turned pink.
“Remember, no holds barred tonight,” he reminded her.
She nodded, took a deep breath, and kept her eyes on the table as she spoke. “I’ve only let myself be Little in front of someone else a few times. Only with Paul, the club owner, and I’ve never been able to fully get into that headspace. But I often fantasize about having a Daddy of my own. Paul isn’t a good candidate because he’s in his thirties, and I do his bookkeeping.” She made eye contact. “But yeah. I do want a forever Daddy of my own. The problem is that I only need that Daddy once in a while, and most of the Daddies I’ve met want to be full-time Daddies.”
Connor nodded. “A lot of Littles I’ve met think they want to be Little 24/7. But in practice, that isn’t reasonable.”
“You don’t think so?”
“I’ve put it to the test three different times, with three different Littles. After about a week of living as a Little all day, every day, they get tired of it. One Little was done after four days. The longest lasted ten days before she used her safeword and binge-watched horror movies.”
She scrutinized him. “Did you do that because you wanted a Little 24/7, or did you do it to prove a point?”
“You got me. I did it to prove a point. When someone says they want to live as a four-year-old for a year, it simply makes me think they’re naive. Do theyreallywant to avoid all books, computers, magazines, television shows, cell phones, tablets, and movies for a year? Because a good parent wouldn’t let a four-year-old do any of those things without supervision. And age-appropriate things for that group aren’t particularly intellectually stimulating for anyone over the age of ten. Not to mention no job, no errands alone, no trips anywhere outside the house without supervision. And absolutely zero recreational alcohol, pot, cigarettes, vaping, or caffeine. What they really want is a few hours a day of Little time, or maybe a weekend here and there. Not 24/7 for weeks on end.”
“Sounds like you’re fairly passionate about the subject.”
“Sorry. I didn’t mean to get worked up. It was an argument I originally had with my long-term kinky girlfriend. Now when someone says they want a 24/7 Little lifestyle, it sets me off. It’s a good fantasy; not a good reality.”
Tessica appeared to be pondering that thought for a moment before she spoke. “Most people don’t have the luxury of trying that out for more than a day or two. And I also think a lot of people in today’s society are just tired.”