She hands me a hundred dollars before disappearing from the bar with her friends. My mind is still reeling with what just happened, trying to figure out how there was so much bloodwith no wound, when the atmosphere in the bar changes.
The air is electric, and my skin feels like it is being caressed. I scan the room to find out what the hell is happening. My gaze collides with a pair of dark eyes and for a moment I feel like I am alone with him in the bar, the entire world. My dream comes back to me, and I recognize those dark, tortured eyes.
I take in the man. He is tall, almost 6’5”, with broad shoulders and a bulky build. His arms are thick and for a moment I wonder what it would feel like to have them around me. His t-shirt is fitted, showing off his pectorals and the slight rounding of his stomach. This man is fit but not like a boy would be. He is all muscle and bulk, not six-packs and cut muscles. He has a thick beard on his square chin and even with the low light I can see he is greying at his temples while the rest of his hair is pitch black.
I want to go to him, introduce myself. But just as quickly as he appeared, he is gone. My heart hurts and I feel bereft. I rub at the center of my chest. Even when I caught my boyfriend cheating, I was never heartbroken, but that’s exactly what this feels like.
Chapter Four
Korvin Slater
Like a Coward
I run from The Gin Room. Like a coward I let my wobbly legs carry me as far away as I can get. And I do it quickly. I need to get away from the woman, the people, everything, before my bear pushes through to the forefront. I can feel my control slipping and I need to be alone when I let him out.
I rarely let my bear have free reign, but I know I need to let him out before he goes on a rampage in the city. I jump in my fire-engine-red pickup truck and drive. I head east toward New Haven where Forest Park is located. It may not be much but it’s the closest place I will be able to shift and give my bear the freedom he so badly craves. I know other shifters who frequent this area, but they aren’t really what I am worried about.
Thank God it’s after midnight and I don’t have to worry about a hundred humans being in the park at this time of night. If I’m lucky, I will be completely alone.
The drive is quiet as I fight to keep from letting my hairy foot get me pulled over. The last thing I need tonight is to be detained by the police, especially not with my bear dancing around beneath the surface.
It takes less than an hour, with traffic, to get to where I want—no,need—to be. I park hurriedly and jump out before tearing ass into the small forest. I walk for five minutes before I start stripping, knowing I will need my clothes to get home even though I always keep a spare set in my truck just in case.
My bear roars in the recesses of my mind, unhappy with the pace. He wants out. Now.
The moment my sneakers are off and my jeans hit the dirt, the magic flows over me, my bones and muscles snapping,elongating, and realigning to suit the new, larger form of my bear.
I have been shifting for most of my life, and it doesn’t hurt the way it used to, but I am still uncomfortable during and after the shift. But once I am in my animal form, I have never felt so free, I have never felt more like I am exactly where I am supposed to be.
My bear roars loudly, stretching out to his full seven feet. He scents the area around us before making a beeline back to my truck. In my mind I beg him to understand, to know that I am doing what is best not only for both of us, but for our curvy little mate. If we ever want her to be ours, we will need to work together instead of against each other. I can’t—won’t—put her in danger, even from us.
I can see the truck just through the tree line when he finally slows to a stop. He growls lowly before turning back to the foliage that offers us sanctuary. He turns to the nearest tree and slams his claws deep, leaving long trails as he moves down the length.
I would prefer not to leave any evidence of our visit. It won’t be easy to explain the bear claw marks when the ranger finds it, but if this is how he chooses to let out his aggression I won’t be saying a goddamned word about it. He can fuck up as many trees as his big black heart desires.
The moment I step into building I know she is here. How I missed it earlier is beyond me, but her scent is everywhere. In the lobby, the elevator, even the damn hallway. It’s enough to have my bear tearing at my insides once more. It’s a struggle to get from the elevator to my apartment, but once I’m inside I can finally breathe again.
“I know,” I mumble, talking to my bear for the first time.“I want to go to her too, but we need to do this right. Not just barrel our way into her life.”
In the recesses of my mind, my bear huffs and I can’t help but chuckle.
I’ve never communicated with him. Seems tonight is filled with firsts for me. For both of us.
Chapter Five
Akasha LaVey
The Bear
I know I’m dreaming but it feels more real than any single moment in my entire life ever has. A massive black bear stands in a meadow filled with wildflowers. He stares at me intently, not moving a single muscle except to breathe. For some reason I can sense fear rolling off him and I want to laugh at the complete absurdity of the thought. Why in heavens name would a black bear be afraid of me?
Turning in a circle I take in the forest that surrounds the meadow, looking for the threat that surely must be there. I can’t think of anything else that would have a black bear feeling fear. But we are alone.
Turning back, I look to where the black bear stood but he isn’t there anymore. Instead, he stands closer to the edge of the trees. He shakes his head and for a moment I think he is beckoning me to follow him as he moves between the tall trees. It only takes a split-second for me to decide before I am moving across the field, my hands skimming the tops of the tall grass and the flowers that grow in between.
“Hello?” I call out, hoping someone will answer me. “Is there anyone here?”