Page 24 of Shifting Hearts

“I’m glad you were there. We like having his grumpy ass around,” Cruz says with a grin.

Both of them hug me and tell me to call if I need anything before disappearing back into the elevator. I return to the bedroom where I use a damp cloth to clean the worst of the dirt and blood from my mate before I climb into bed beside him. Throughout the night, I pour little bits of love and magic into him, willing him to heal faster.

All I want is for him—and his bear—to be back to normal once more.

Chapter Eighteen

Korvin Slater

What Happened

I wake up ready to go to war. The only thing I remember is seeing my mate being held back as tears stream down her face. I can’t get the image of her utter heartbreak out of my mind.

“You’re awake.”

I turn my head to see Krishka standing in the doorway. I frown at her, rubbing at the pain in my chest. If she is here, certainly something terrible has happened to my mate.

“Relax,” she says with a smile. “Akasha will be back any minute. She’s just strengthening her protection wards. It was my turn to watch you.”

“How…” the words get lodged in my dry, scratchy throat.

She steps into the room and hands me a sealed bottle of water as I slowly push myself upright. Drinking the entire bottle, I take in the room around me. Gone is the white bedding and curtains, replaced with turquoise finishings. A selfie of Akasha and myself on our first day exploring the city has been blown up and framed to hang against the wall opposite the bed. I knew she would bring her personal touch to this apartment and make it our home.

“How long have I been out?” I ask returning my attention to the witch.

“Seven days. I wasn’t sure you were ever going to wake up, but Akasha was adamant.”

“Sounds like her.”

I hear the front door open and moments later my beautiful mate is standing in the doorway, a brilliant smile spread across her face.

“Hey,” her voice is soft as she stares at me.

“Come here,” I command, opening my arms to her. She is in my arms in an instant.

I see Krishka leave and hear the door close behind her. My mate kisses my face all over before landing on my lips.

“I was so afraid.”

It’s only then that I realize she is crying. I hold her tightly and allow her to let out her emotions. I too have felt the fear of almost losing her and I would never diminish her feelings. I wish there was something I could do to make her feel better but all I have to offer is my love.

After long minutes of crying, she pulls back to look at me.

“How are you feeling?” she asks.

“Good. Not at all like I’ve been sleeping for seven damn days,” I answer honestly.

“What happened?”

“We were betrayed.” I can feel the anger roll off her in waves as her magic starts to gather. “One of the vampires who attacked us stabbed you in the back and severed your spinal cord.”

“Fuck,” I curse, thinking what kind of toll this must have taken on her. Knowing her, she could have died trying to heal me.

“I’m fine,” she cuts in, like she can read my damn thoughts. “The coven helped me, and everyone has been taking turns healing you.”

I nod. “What about the vampires?”

She blushes deeply. “I thought you were dead,” she whispers. “It felt like my soul was being ripped to shreds and I just lost it. Krishka says the pain and anger unlocked the last of my hidden power. Basically, I turned everyone that wasn’t on our side to ash.”