Page 21 of Shifting Hearts

“That’s not so bad.”

“It wasn’t,” she says giving me a side eye. “That is, until you depleted your reserves. “Then it turned to a burnt sugar smell.”


“Don’t apologize, I was the same when I first realized my power. But you’re still new to all of this,” she says motioning with an outstretched arm. “You need to learn how to replenish and use your energy without killing yourself.”

Korvin snorts from the doorway.

“I’ll be teaching your mate the basics, you’re welcome to leave if you won’t be supportive,” she snaps.

“Witch, don’t start…”

“Stop!” I cut in. “I don’t know what it is with the two of you, but cut it out! You’re giving me a headache.” Both look chastised so I continue. “Korvin, please go do some shopping. We have nothing except coffee in this place.”

He gives me a dubious look and I smile in return.

“I promise to listen to Krishka and not overexert myself.And you’ll only be gone for an hour so you can check on me when you get back.”

“Fine,” he grumbles once more. “But I will be more than grumpy if something happens to you while I’m gone.”

“O ye of little faith,” I say kissing him on the lips as he walks past us. “Nothing is going to happen to me.”

He closes the bathroom door to get dressed and I offer Krishka some coffee. I’ve barely handed her the mug when he walks back out. Dressed in dark blue jeans and a dark green t-shirt, he looks good enough to eat. He grabs his keys and wallet off the counter before kissing me passionately and then walking out the door. I know he won’t be gone for long. It’s not in his nature to stay away from me.

With a blush I turn to the other witch. “What are we doing?”

She rubs her hands together. “I’m going to teach you basic spells. Each day we will practice something new until you are ready to cast the protection spell we need. Don’t worry, you won’t cast that big a spell alone, my coven is just too small to do it on our own.”

“How many people are in your coven?”

“We are five witches and two warlocks. Of the seven of us, only four are natural witches and the rest have been taught because they had latent abilities. We need a powerful natural witch to lock in the final step of the spell.”

It’s a lot of information to take in at once but I am equal part scared and excited.

“Teach me. I am yours to mold.”

“Have you ever used your firepower?”

“Not that I am aware of, but some things are starting to make sense now that I have more information.”

She chuckles. “Okay. I want you to focus on the candle in front of you. Repeat these words until you can light the wick.Illuminare noctem.”

I stare at the pure white tapered candle, making sure to focus only on what I am doing.

“Illuminare noctem.”

The flame erupts immediately, dancing in the slight breeze coming through an open window.

“This is going to be easier than I thought,” she says, impressed.

Chapter Sixteen

Korvin Slater

The Forest

Akasha and Krishka train together every day for two weeks. From what I understand, which isn’t much, she is growing in strength by leaps and bounds. Krishka and I have called a truce and are even being civil to one another as we prepare for the storm that is coming.