“I paid for two hours. I may like to watch.”
A flicker of distaste crosses her face and I bite back my amusement as she gasps, “Do you? Want to watch, I mean?”
“Not really, but if you take comfort breaks, the clock stops.”
“That’s okay.”
I nod my agreement and as I pull her with me into the penthouse, she struggles to keep up with me on her killer heels.
I say nothing and as we enter the guest room, she squeaks, “I can take it from here.”
“You don’t know where it is. I’ll show you.”
I stop outside the door to the bathroom and open it with a flourish.
“Take your time and while you’re in there, you may as well discard your clothing.”
The flush on her cheeks blooms even deeper and I shrug off my shirt, enjoying how her eyes widen as she is faced with my naked chest.
“Um, of course.”
She tears her gaze away and hightails it into the bathroom and the door closes on her stricken expression, causing me to chuckle softly.
If this woman is a paid whore, I’m not the man who is set on ruining the soul of the innocent tonight. I wonder if she really thought this one through.
Ican’t go through with this. I want to, more than I want to do anything because this man is every freaking dream I’ve ever had. He is sex walking and if I wasn’t such a prude, I would be out there now, dropping my clothes along with my misgivings. Carly would. Adele probably not so much, but this guy is the devil incarnate and may even tempt the ice maiden herself.
I sit on the toilet and ponder my predicament.
On the one hand, I want to more than anything and yet on the other I am so screwed if I do. I’m a virgin for Christ’s sake, and expected to remain one until my wedding night. What the hell am I thinking—wasthinking because I cannot toss that away for four hundred dollars on the back of a bad decision?
My heart is racing as my bad choices drip from between my thighs because I am so turned on. Maybe it’s because it’s forbidden, wicked, and depraved. I’m guessing it’s the unknown driving this and the fact I’m so angry with my parents.
But I can’t do this, no matter how much I want to, and that’s the saddest realization to come to. Even now, my choices aren’t my own and if I believed they were, I am gravely mistaken.
With a deep sigh of regret, I attempt to gather my thoughts together and fire some resolve into my bravery.
As I flush the toilet to prove my request, I steel my nerve and head back into the bedroom.
The room is nowin darkness and I make out his shadow by the draped window and swallow nervously.
“I’m sorry. This has been a mistake.”
He says nothing and moves toward me, that insane chest blocking out the light from outside.
“You’re nervous. Why?”
His husky voice is like a lust potion delivering an unexpected question, and I say with a sigh. “I should come clean. I haven’t done this before. It’s well—my first time.”
“What, ever, or sex for money?” He deepens the kiss.
The fact I can’t see him is reassuring, and I laugh softly. “Both.”
His sharp intake of breath is the only sign he heard me and then, from out of nowhere, he reaches for me and as I stand with him chest to chest, his mouth descends on mine with no warning.