Her voice is soft and unsure and yet loaded with lust and I smile in the darkness.
“You only get one question, Gina, and you have answered that, so what happens next is down to you.”
She says nothing and yet her breathing intensifies and as I reach for the condom, I take a moment to savor the occasion. Two of her firsts and one for me. This night is turning out to be much better than anticipated.
I tear the packet and wrap my cock, staring into her beautiful face that is shrouded by shadows and doubt. No more words are necessary as I position against her hot pussy and she gasps as I press against it, demanding access for the very first time.
She opens her mouth and I swallow her objections with a strong kiss, my lips fastening on hers and my tongue wrapping hers in possession. Then, with one feral thrust, I break inside and capture her scream in my mouth as my reward.
Fuck, she feels so good. It’s as if I’m pounding into a vat of pure decadence and, as her throbbing pussy holds my cock so tightly, I see stars. It’s almost as painful for me as it is for her, and yet I like it. It’s an experience I wasn’t expecting when I set out to ruin someone’s life tonight and as I scrape against her sodden walls, it blows my mind.
I am dancing inside paradise and I never want to leave.
I thrust harder, delighting in fresh territory that no man has ever explored. Her tears fall against my face as she comes to terms with her decision, and I don’t wipe them away or give them a second thought. Why would I?
Her head hits the padded board behind her as I thrust in harder, delighting in her ruin as her passive moans drive the fury inside me while I claim this woman like a fucking god who owns the right.
Her release is mounting in line with my own, and I wonder about that. I heard women don’t orgasm the first time; it’s too painful. Just knowing its building excites me way more than usual and unusually for me, I care that she has a good experience. Reaching down, I ease my thumb over her clit and she moans, a soft sound that crushes against my jaded heart.
Innocence is a powerful drug that I never appreciated before and as she climbs the wall, I take great delight in pushing her off it.
As I thrust inside, I squeeze her clit, causing her to cry out into my mouth as she comes so hard the entire bed shakes. I waste no time in joining her and as my release flows fast into the condom, I experience a moment’s irritation that I wore one. To be inside this woman and have the whole experience would have been preferable and yet I never ride bareback. I’ve never wanted to until now.
I take a moment to breathe before I pull out and roll onto my back, leaving her lying beside me to come to terms with what just happened.
It’s as if a wall is fast erecting between us because there is nothing of me left to give. I don’t offer reassurances. I have what I ordered and so I swing my legs to the side of the bed and say over my shoulder, “I’ll clean up in my shower. You can take this one.”
I say nothing more and leave the room, a heartless bastard to the end and yet as I walk into my shower, I ignore the tug on my heartstrings that berates me for treating her like the whore she most definitely is not.
I’m glad he’s gone. Now it’s over I am mortified at what just happened—what we did. What I asked him to do.
My entire body took charge and became a vessel I never realized existed for pleasure.
His pleasure.
My pleasure.
I wanted him so much my common sense was left on the balcony and now I must live with the consequences of that. I whored my virginity out to a stranger and despite the fact I liked—no loved every second of it, I really desired more.
As I shower my shame away, I stare at the blood dripping down the drain, reminding me how cheaply I valued my innocence. What happens in Vegas I hope like hell stays in Vegas and that was why we came here. I wanted to experience something different, but I never really thought this through.
I should have gone with my friends and the nightmare wouldn’t be just beginning now because how can I face them tomorrow knowing what I have done?
They will be appalled and disgusted with me and rightfully so, which is why nobody must ever find out what went on here tonight.
I wrap a towel around my body and venture back to the scene of my crime and part of me almost expects to see him standing there ready for the second hour of fun. What was I thinking? I am off my head on adrenalin and bad decisions, and now I must wrestle with what’s left of my dignity and bid him farewell forever.
My dress feels different as it glides over my body. It’s as if I aged a thousand years tonight and yet somehow I feel better for it. Now I know what all the fuss is about and it was on my terms - well, almost.
It dresses me in a bravado I never expected and from out of nowhere, a wicked grin lights my smile because fuck me, that was the best experience of my life, which will undoubtedly be followed by my worst.
When I leave the room, my heart flutters when I see him standing by the huge fireplace, a drink in his hand, unashamedly naked.
My gaze sweeps across his muscular body and a tightening in my core tells me I may be up for the second hour after all.