Page 7 of Gairo

I read through a series of messages on the duplicate. There was a new one which hadn’t been opened yet. Zyloxia really did know Gairo as Tyrlyn. It didn’t say that they were actually heart-mates. The male sending the messages her to mess up my surrogacy was named Magdorian, and for some reason, he was against Gairo having a child.

As I read on, the mentions of their parents meant that Gairo had a brother named Magdorian who was working against him. I wanted to go to Gairo with this new evidence, but the part of me that had been raised in the colony didn’t want to be punished. Gairo was away anyway with Ulfar under Soren’s command. If I went to Orvox with the Intergalactic Surrogacy Agency, they probably would not intervene in warlord politics.

The idea of trying to fight Zyloxia and Magdorian alone exhausted me. I needed to find more evidence to confirm what I knew so I didn’t sound crazy when I brought it up to Gairo. I also needed to figure out if it was the omega injection or pregnancy hormones making me so tired. The third thing I needed to do was make sure that Zyloxia stayed away from both Gairo and our potential new baby.




Icouldn’t believe that I had been gone from Veronica, my little Vi, for an entire week. For most of the week, Soren had demanded radio silence. Now that I was on my way home, we could have live video feeds from inside of our cabin.

She showed me a bunch of test results.

“What are those? Are you sick?”

“No, silly, I’m pregnant. I had a hunch that I was pregnant and went to Orvox.”

I felt my body glowing with happiness. I wanted to shower her pregnant body with attention and lots of praise.

I heard this and that of her life while I was gone, and I wondered what happened to Zyloxia while I was gone. She had called me a name I didn’t recognize, Tyrlyn, and expect me to welcome her as my heart-mate. I knew for sure with the way that my heart sang as soon as I saw Vi, my Veronica, that she was my heart-mate. Just seeing her on a video link made me feel more possessive than ever.

“Just wait until I get home,” I warned her. “I’ve been apart from you for too long.”

* * *

She metme at the transport station, and I basically threw her into bed when I got home. She giggled as I struggled to get my heart-mate out of her clothes.

“You’re behaving like a barbarian,” she teased.

“I feel like one. A week is too long to go without my omega.” I didn’t want to scare her off, when I knew she was my heart-mate. Whatever they did with genetic matching worked. I had seen other people fall like a ton of bricks in love, and it was finally my turn.

How long could I keep her interested? She had told me that she planned to leave the planet as soon as she gave birth during our weeks together, as we tried our best to make a baby right here in the ISA cabins. I felt my heart tear every time I thought about a future with a child and no mother in sight. I didn’t know what I could do to convince her to raise a child with me. When she talked about the colony where she had been raised, her fists balled when she described how the men treated their wives. Her mother and aunts had spared her the worst punishments by ensuring that she had the ability to leave as an apothecary, but it wasn’t enough. She wanted to be free to be anywhere she wanted in the galaxy. The only place I wanted her to be was by my side.

When I got her out of her clothes and totally naked, I slowed down. She liked watching me get out of my clothes. Even though I was almost out of my mind with hunger, I wanted to make it good for her. I watched her watching me.

Then I was naked, too, and I reached for her. Our mouths met with so much passion that I felt like I could drown in her. She stoked a fire within me that I felt would be eternally hungry. Was this what it was like to have a heart-mate? What happened after you lost a heart-mate I’d seen happen to a few people on the planet, and it was ugly. I vowed to myself that I’d find a way to keep her happy and with me. I trailed light kisses from behind her ear to her throat to arouse her. My hand shaped her nipples as she warmed to my touch.

“I love you,” I burst out, unable to contain my emotions.

“And I you,” she replied. She nipped at my neck playfully in a way that got me hotter than fire. Her hands trailed along my hipbones, teasing me as she got closer to the center of my need.

“Touch me,” I demanded, wanting her to touch me, needing it more than my next breath.

“You haven’t said the magic word.”


With that, she played with the tip of my cock, swirling around some of the moisture so she could taunt me with proximity to what I wanted. I let her tease me for a little bit. Then I took her face down, bottom up, which was my favorite position. As I widened her so I could get in, I put the first third of myself into her gently before ramming home. By the way that she was shaking before me, I knew she was into it.

“I’ll want you forever,” I told her as her body went through orgasm after orgasm.

All I had to do was convince her that she’d be happy with me. I didn’t know how.