Page 45 of Ulfar

My choice.

Something dawns on me, just then. Ever since this entire adventure began, everything I did was because I had to. Because I was afraid of the consequences if I didn’t. But now, for the first time, I have a choice. A real choice.

I look up at Ulfar, who’s been at my side this entire time. He squeezes my hand.

“What do you think?” he asks. “You can return to Aesirheim with us, or...” He pauses, his hand resting on the small of my back. “There’s another option.”

“There is?” I perk up, curious.

He chooses his words carefully, but I can feel the conviction in them. “If you want, we will take you and your father back to Earth. After seeing how much you sacrificed to save your homeland and its people, it must be very dear to you. I couldn’t keep you from that, if that is your wish.”

The reality hits me in the chest. I could go home. Back to my bedroom, back to the library, back to lazy Sunday mornings.

But I’m no longer that scared little girl, whiling away her life while reading about adventures in books. I’m living my own adventure, right now, and I can’t wait to create the next chapter.

“You’re right,” I say, looking up into his eyes. “I love Earth. I love my town, and my work, and the people. But I learned something throughout all of this.”

“What’s that?” A warm, easy smile creeps up the corners of his mouth. I could look at that smile for the rest of my life.

And you know what? That would be my choice. My own. No one else’s.

“I learned that home doesn’t have to be a place. It doesn’t depend on material possessions or the house you live in or the clothes you wear. It’s about the person—” I think of my father “—or people, that make you feel at home. Accepted.” I blink away tears. “Loved.”

Ulfar gathers me into his arms, and I let out a shaky, relieved breath. So much tension I’ve been holding floods out of me, and I simply feel at peace. “You are my home, Ulfar. You, my father, and my new friends.” I gesture around at the men on the bridge. “Remember when you bought me that book? The series we both liked to read?”

“Of course,” he says, smiling.

“Let’s make up a happy ending. Together.”

“It would be my pleasure,” he says with a smile, and then he leans down and kisses me as the engines roar to life and we set off across the galaxy once more.

Toward home. My new home.





Turns out, space travel is a lot faster when the Syndicate isn’t leading you on a wildakichase across half the galaxy. We returned home in record time, not only because I was anxious to spend some quality time with my mate, but because of our other precious cargo. Her father.

It’s been two weeks now since we landed, and while he’s still in the med bay, he’s getting stronger by the day.

He woke up about a week in, thank the stars, and soon after was able to start talking again. He still mostly only wants to talk to Sarah, but I don’t blame him. They’ve been through a lot together, and I’m sure he’ll warm up in time.

What’s important is that he and Sarah are safe. When I fell in love with Sarah, I knew that I would do whatever it took to keep her in my life. And when I saw just how much she cared for her father, I knew that same devotion extended to him as well.

He’s a good man. I can tell that much just from our limited interactions. Kind. Strong. He would have to be to survive a nearly point-blank hit from a Syndicate star-blaster.

Sarah and I are back in my home, though not before some extensive interrogation by both the police force and the ISA. I was there to corroborate her story and provide context, because I knew this would happen. I even brought back Atraxia’s head as proof.

They weren’t happy with her, that’s for sure, but given the circumstances and the proof that she left the planet under duress, they decided she would not face expulsion or any other consequences. They did level a hard eye at me, however, and tell me to keep a good watch on her from now on.

Believe me, they’re not going to have to worry about that one.

Pulling me from my thoughts, Sarah steps out of the bathroom, her thick hair piled in a towel atop her head. Another towel just barely covers her sensuous, curvy frame. Even from this distance and even under the towel I can see the swell of her belly starting to form.