No sooner do I see the beautiful creature standing in the doorway than I feel a shock like lightning travel down my spine and ending all the way at the tips of my toes.
She looks so different from the women I’m used to here on Aesirheim. She’s smaller, for one. But her full lips and ample curves more than make up for it. Her long, dark hair falls in graceful waves over her shoulders, reflecting the last rays of sunlight. Her skin is soft and smooth, making me want to caress every inch of her to find out if it’s as velvety as it looks.
Too bad she looks scared out of her wits.
Before I can stop her, she shrieks and hides behind the spindly alien woman joining her.
The woman holds out a pale three-fingered hand. “Stand down, Ulfar. Now.” She doesn’t need to raise her voice. Her steely tone is enough to knock sense back into me, but it’s almost too late.
My beautiful mate is already terrified of me. Great first impression. With a sheepish expression, I sheathe my weapon as fast as I can and hold up both my hands in what I hope is a peaceful gesture. “My apologies. You simply startled me, that’s all.”
The human woman peeks out from behind the alien, her wide brown eyes fixed on me. I can see the fear etched onto her features, and it tugs at something deep inside me. The feeling of protectiveness, of wanting to shield her from any harm that might come her way.
I can’t deny there’s something else there, too. A primal need that’s drawing me in like a moth to a flame. Wanting to take advantage of her vulnerability and claim her right then and there. My cock twitches in my pants at the thought, but I’m a bigger man than that. I signed up; I gave my word. I’ll do this right.
“It’s okay, Sarah,” the alien woman says, her voice gentle. “He won’t harm you. And he’s your match.”
I watch as the human woman—Sarah—looks up at the alien woman, then she looks back at me. Her expression is hard to read, but I can sense the wariness emanating from her. Little by little, her pose softens, and she steps over the threshold. Her delicious lips part ever so slightly as she cranes her neck to look up at me.
“I’m sorry,” she finally says, her voice a soft whisper. “I just wasn’t expecting...this.”
I nod, trying to keep my own voice steady. “I understand. It can be overwhelming.”
The alien woman steps aside, and Sarah steps forward, slowly. I can see the way her eyes rove over me, taking in every detail, and I can’t help but feel a surge of self-consciousness.
What if she doesn’t like me? What if she doesn’t want to be with me?
But as she gets closer, I can see the way her breath hitches, the way her pupils dilate. I can smell the sweetness of her from here, so it’s taking every bit of willpower I have not to pull her close and make her mine.
Thank the gods she doesn’t run. If she did, I’d have to chase her down, and I hate how much the idea makes my dick throb. What is happening to me?
“Will you be all right?” the alien woman asks. “Remember, you can press the panic button on your communicator if you ever feel unsafe.” She levels a withering glance at me that makes it clear who’s in charge here.
Sarah peels her gaze away from mine for long enough to turn and embrace her companion. “Thank you,” she says softly, though I can hear the veil of tears even from here. “I’ll be all right.”
“Good. We’ll be checking in,” she reminds her, though it’s probably more for me. And with a final ‘I’m watching you’ glare from the alien, the door swishes closed and I’m alone with my match at last.
I clear my throat, trying to break the awkward silence between us. “Would you like to sit down?”
Sarah nods, and I lead her over to the plush couches. We sit down side by side, and I can feel the tension in the air. It’s palpable, thick enough to cut with a knife.
“I’m Ulfar,” I say, extending my hand in greeting.
Sarah hesitates for a moment before taking my hand. Her skin is soft and warm, and I can’t help but hold on just a little bit longer than necessary. My heart leaps in my chest at the feeling, screaming with unfathomable triumph. Like this is right. Like this is where I’m supposed to be.
“Sarah,” she says, her voice barely above a whisper. I know I’ve started things off on the wrong foot, and now I’m drawing a blank on how to recover.
I can’t help but feel a little hurt that she doesn’t seem excited to meet me. I know this is a weird situation, but I thought we’d at least have some common ground. We’re both here for the same reason, after all.
“I know this is all really sudden,” I say, searching for something to say that will break the ice. “But I want you to know that I’m committed to making this work. I know it won’t be easy, but I’m willing to put in the effort if you are.”
She looks up at me again, and this time her gaze lingers. “I’m willing,” she says quietly.
I lean in closer, slowly, and she doesn’t move away. I let out a breath. One step at a time. “Then why don’t I show you around your new home?”
It’s not much, but it’s a start. And I swear to all the gods I know that I’m not going to screw this up.