We return to the cottage in high spirits, and for a brief moment it almost feels normal. Like this could really be our life. Traveling and exploring and playing and loving one another with tender caresses and passionate words. But you know what they say about things that sound too good to be true...
I wake to the sound of my communicator tablet buzzing. Ulfar’s still asleep next to me, which is odd. Usually he’s up before sunrise, but I smile to myself when I think I must have really tired him out.
My heart sings at the sight of him lying there, defenseless in sleep. During the day, he’s a fierce and intimidating alien alpha. But here, with just the two of us? I get to see a side of him that no one else does.
Still riding the happy high from our mini vacation, I yawn and roll over to check the notification on my tablet. When my eyes register the words, all the joy and lightness I felt winks out like an extinguished match.
Your time is nearly up. You know the right thing to do. Do not disappoint us.
The reality of the situation comes crashing in all over again, hitting me deep in the chest. Of course. It was foolish to think I could ever have a life with someone like him. I made a deal with some of the most dangerous people in the galaxy. I lied to the ISA. I lied to Ulfar.
And if I go through with this, I don’t know if he’ll ever forgive me.
My stomach cramps, seizing in on itself, and I press a hand to my gut with a wince. I let out a hiss at the sudden pain, and apparently it wasn’t quiet enough because Ulfar shoots up in bed, concern immediately crossing his face.
“What’s wrong?”
My head spins and I take a deep breath to try to hold it together. He’s so kind. Always watching out for me. Always willing to lend a hand.
And this is how I repay him.
“I’m fine.” I try to brush him off. I hastily clear the screen on the tablet and set it on the nightstand face down before turning back to him. “Maybe it was something I ate.”
He frowns. “Do you need to see the nurse? I can take you.”
“No, don’t worry about it.”
My tablet pings again and my panic intensifies for a brief second until I realize his comm did the same thing. So it’s a message for both of us.
“You gonna get that?” I say shakily, hoping that whatever it is will change the subject.
When he pulls up the message, a coy smile flicks across his face. “Looks like you’re going to the doctor after all.”
“What?” I snatch the tablet from him.
This is an automated reminder that routine physicals will take place today at the central facility. All surrogates are required to attend. Thank you for your service!
Fuck! I almost throw the damn thing. So much for getting out of a doctor trip today.
“You were saying?” Ulfar says sweetly. I know he only wants the best for me, and I know I need to get this appointment taken care of, but what he doesn’t know is that if they confirm my pregnancy, I’ll be one step closer to the Syndicate. To leaving him.
I grumble and slide out of bed. Guess I’ll have to put clothes on after all.
* * *
Doesn’t matterif it’s on Earth or an alien world, the medical gowns they make you wear are never comfortable. I shift on the examination table, nervously checking my tablet while I wait for my lab results. I already know what they’re going to be. We all do.
But hearing that one simple word ‘pregnant’ in black and white will be the final nail in the coffin.
I hug my knees to my chest, willing away the fearful thoughts and trying to focus on my plan instead. When Ulfar and I left the clearing, I hid the book he gave me under a pile of leaves and rocks. Enough to where it was still visible, but easy to miss. Even though I felt terrible covering his gift with dirt like that, it was for a reason.
When Ulfar comes back to the cottage this afternoon after his meeting with Soren and the others, I’ll tell him I accidentally left my book behind. I’ll ask him to go look for it. It’s at least a half day’s trek back to the campsite, and with him gone it will give me the time I need to get off the planet.
I can’t say I feel great about it, but at this point it’s the best I’ve got. Having him here would only make it that much harder to leave. I may be strong, but even I don’t think I could watch his heart shatter before me.