Page 29 of Ulfar

“Jeez,Sarah, act natural. If you keep jumping at every little thing, people are gonna think you’re suspicious.”

“But Iamsuspicious.” I can’t help it. The spaceport buzzes with activity, and humans and aliens come and go from every angle. Even with the crowd, I can’t help but feel like I’m being watched. Like any moment someone will recognize me and haul me back to the center to face judgment by the ISA. Or worse, throw me straight into a prison cell.

“That’s irrelevant.” She waves her hand dismissively. “I know it’s easier said than done, but if you wanna get out of here in one piece, you have got to look the part. Take a deep breath and say it with me, ‘I’m supposed to be here.’”

I gulp. “I’m...supposed to be here?” Not very convincing.

Vi chuckles. “We’ll work on it. Come on, let’s check the timetables.”

We weave through the throngs of people until we get to the giant holo board that shows all the arrivals and departures. Each row also has a capacity indicator that shows how full each car is, which is helpful for me because I want the transport to be as empty as possible if I can help it. After the last few cryptic messages from the Syndicate, I know I need to catch one of the shuttles to Yarilo-V Space Station, and that they should have a messenger in wait to ‘collect the cargo.’

Maybe it’s just the sheer amount of stress, or maybe it’s morning sickness (probably both), but I nearly puke at the thought.

“Stay with me,” Vi urges, squeezing my hand again. “Yarilo-V, right?”


“Looks like there’s one here in an hour, but it’s full to bursting. Totally overbooked, no more seats available.”

I groan. “Aren’t there any others?”

She shakes her head. “Not til tomorrow.” Then she perks up, tapping her lip. “I’ve got an idea.” Vi turns to me, a mischievous grin on her face.

“Oh no, I don’t like that expression.”

“Do you want to get out of here or not?” she quips, looking me up and down. “ do you feel about small spaces?”

“Uhhh...why?” I have an idea, but I don’t like where this is going...

“Yarilo-V is a giant economic hub station. Traders go in and out of there all the time with millions of different imports and exports. And it says this shuttle here is making a resupply stop at the station after landing. You know what that means?”

“That I have to exit through the gift shop?”

“No, that they’re bringing tons of empty storage containers to carry the goods back to Aesirheim with them.”

The connotation finally sinks in, and my mouth drops open. “You want me to...what?”

* * *

This iseither the smartest or the most stupid idea I’ve ever had in my life. I’m sitting hunched up in the fetal position inside a dark metal box, hoping I’ll get loaded onto the right ship at the right time. Vi distracted the couriers long enough for me to slip inside, and now I’m a sitting duck.

There are small slats in the metal for ventilation and I can see slivers of activity if I press my face to the cold walls. I hear voices and announcements echoing around me and then a shudder of movement. A mechanical whirring vibrates the container and I watch the spaceport pass us by. A smoother transition, then a slow sliding motion as the container tilts upward. We must be on a conveyor belt. I try to remember what the cargo loading area looks like.

A loud hiss and then the container tilts again, landing with a bone-jarring thump. I wince, but since it’s a small space and there are several tie-downs hanging from the walls, I’m able to grab on and steady myself. Now as long as the takeoff goes smoothly...

“Now departing Aesirheim Central Spaceport. This is the Starbound Shuttle with nonstop service to Yarilo-V Space Station. If you do not wish to go to Yarilo-V, please disembark immediately. All others, fasten your seatbelts and prepare for takeoff. Thank you for flying Starbound!”

As the engines roar to life, I can’t hold it back any longer. I pull out my tablet, send the confirmation code to the special contact to let them know I’m on my way, then lean my head against the wall and cry my heart out.



It doesn’t make any sense. I find the book easily enough, but it’s so obviously put there on purpose. Why would she do such a thing, and then send me all the way out here to retrieve it?

Pulling the book out from under a pile of leaves and dirt, I brush it off the best I can with the hem of my shirt. If she didn’t put it here, then who? Narrowing my eyes, I scan my surroundings and listen for any movement. Only the sound of the wind and the casual waves of the lake come back to greet me.

Something is off here. But the more I think about it, the more I can’t figure out what it is. The thought eats at me like a thorn piercing my skin, and by the time I return to Enebris, I’m thoroughly confused.