Page 14 of Ulfar

I pick up the nearest stone and turn it over in my hands, admiring the smooth surface. It’s about as big as my palm and rounded by the endless movement. I’ve never seen anything like it back on Earth, and part of me wants to keep it as a souvenir. Something to remember this planet by, when I inevitably have to...

“Got your wish ready?” Vi calls.

“Y-yeah,” I croak, gripping the stone as tightly as I can.

“All right. Three, two, one, throw!”

My stone sails through the air and lands with a splash, scattering the fish and rippling the glass-like surface. As the rings spread ever outward, one thought lodges itself deeper in my mind:

I wish this could be real.

We stand like that in silence for some time, both of us watching the creek and enjoying the feeling of the sun on our skin. After some time, Vi speaks.

“So now that heat’s over, we’re probably pregnant. Are you nervous?”

That’s an understatement. A fresh wave of nausea clenches my stomach, and I’m not sure if it’s from anxiety or my supposed pregnancy. “Yeah.” Then, after a moment of staring out onto the water, I add, “I almost hope I’m not.”

“Oh? Why’s that?”

I know she’s genuinely curious, but she doesn’t know the half of it. Part of me wants to tell the truth, to let her know everything. But I can’t get her in trouble with the Syndicate too. She deserves a nice, peaceful future. Unlike me.

So I end up with the lamest excuse in the book. It’s not a lie, but it’s miles away from the whole story. “I was thinking if I wasn’t pregnant yet, I could stay here longer.”

Staying here wouldn’t be the worst gig in the world. Being pampered like a princess, getting to eat delicious meals whenever I want, and having the best sex of my life? I could get used to this.

And that’s what scares me.

“Listen, I know it’s natural to want to stay as long as you can. We got it pretty good, after all. But there’s no telling what the future will hold. The heat pheromones make pregnancy practically a done deal, so let’s just enjoy the time we have. Don’t get so wrapped up in worries that you forget to live.”

My heart aches at her words, but I know she’s right. So with a sniff, I push away the sadness once more and lean into the arm she’s wrapped around my shoulder. “Okay,” I say softly, and hope that it’s enough.



As I don my fur-lined cloak and secure it using a brooch at my shoulder, I look into the mirror and fight to still my racing heart.

Today Sarah will meet the people of my village. She will see my home for the first time, outside the bounds of the ISA centers. We received special permission from Orvox herself, and I can’t wait to introduce her to my clan.

I didn’t expect her to agree to the trip, to be honest. She’s been strangely distant the last few days, that unknown sadness plaguing her more and more often. She even moans and mumbles in her sleep, thrashing against an unseen foe.

The alpha part of me wants to tear anyone who would hurt her limb from limb. I want to wrap her in my cloak and keep her far away from the horrors of the world.

But that is not my right, and she is not my mate.

Not really.

“Are you ready?” I call into the bedroom. Sarah steps out and my jaw nearly hits the floor. She’s gorgeous, done up in traditional garb that flatters her every curve. Her hair falls in soft waves over her shoulders and a bright yellow flower rests behind her ear, accentuating the warmth of her eyes. She’s beautiful.

“You look...” I start, but words fail me. All that comes out is a goofy, wide-eyed smile.

“Thank you for the outfit,” she says earnestly, doing a little turn so I can see the full length of it. My mouth waters at the sight, and my cock twitches in recognition.

“You look beautiful.” I draw close and wrap my arms around her waist, pulling her in for a sweet kiss. This time, she doesn’t tense. Doesn’t pull away. She melts into my embrace, kissing me back with all the fervor I feel in my heart.

Maybe I’m not so doomed after all.

And as I help her atop my mount and we walk off toward the rising sun, I try to burn this image in my memory forever.