If she didn’t have sex with an alpha, the raging hormones could cause hallucinations, fevers, even full-body seizures in extreme cases. When she put it like that…it seemed almost cruel to subject someone, even a human stranger, to that.
However, that’s why organizations like the ISA exist. That’s why they have so many rules and structured steps to follow. Didn’t mean that I had to like it, though.
And really, what was the alternative? Continue to have failed pregnancy after failed pregnancy with our own females? The psychological, emotional, and physical tolls on us as our unborn children died tore us apart. We could not have continued to ask our own females to undergo more of the same.
All of this was all because of that alpha serum us warriors took way back when. When the war was at its breaking point, we needed an edge. Something that would give us strength and power the enemy didn’t — and couldn’t — have.
We trained night and day, but it still wasn’t enough. Fortunately, the scientists came up with something. An experimental new drug that would enhance the natural capabilities of our bodies. Make us bigger, stronger, faster.
I was one of the first cohort to take the shot. I was the youngest one in the group, too. The alpha serum turned the tides and helped us win the war, but…
The changes it caused in our bodies made us less compatible with our own women. We needed to find a solution, or our race would die out forever…
Hence, another drug was developed. The omega serum didn’t seem to work on our own people, but it took marvelously in humans, making them extra fertile.
And extra horny, like Isabella here.
If I could relieve even a little bit of that pain, maybe all the battles and struggle I’ve gone through won’t have been for nothing.
That’s what I tell myself, anyway. Because the alternative — that I might actually have feelings for the girl — is unthinkable.
My heart will always belong to Zannah. No amount of hormones can change that. But for tonight, I will do my duty. I will protect this woman in need.
And it’s notallaltruism. Helping Isabella through her heat is something I’m doing out of kindness and concern, sure, but I’m still going to enjoy every second of it. I grin in anticipation.
Warm, fuzzy feelings surround me. And not the good kind, either. The sharp, stabbing pain subsides with each step Orri takes and I burrow deeper into his embrace, well past the point of thinking logically. His strong scent is clouding my mind.
Why did this have to happen to me? To me, of all people? I came to Aesirheim as a last resort. As a way to put my abusive ex behind me and start a new life for myself.
So why did I feel like I was the one being punished? Heat racks through me in unrelenting waves, leaving me panting and sweating and writhing in Orri’s arms. I know I must look a mess, but I can’t help myself. My body’s moving on its own, and right now it wants — no,needs— the touch of an alpha.
Too bad this was exactly the type of thing I’d hoped to avoid with Bjornick. Hooking up with a random alien without any thought to how he would treat me as a person? That’s part of the reason Bjornick and I wanted to wait and form bonds of affection before I became pregnant. He really was too good to me…
But with Orri carrying me fireman style, growling and stomping away from the scene while heat threatens my very sanity, it’s kind of…attractive?
I try to remember Orvox’s promises. That I don’t have to do anything I’m uncomfortable with. That I can back out or call for help at any time.
But as much as I don’t want to admit it, their type of ‘help’ isn’t what I need right now. I need an alpha to hold me, treasure me, and breed me until I can’t see straight. I need him to roar out my name as he pumps me full of load after load of hot, sticky cum.
I need to lose myself in the immeasurable pleasures only an alpha can bring to his omega, and dammit, I need itnow.
Orri isn’t my assigned mate, and he’s definitely not my heart mate, but he will have to do until I can get through this heat. Because I’m definitely not going back in the med pod. It was creepy enough the first time, and gross slime that seemed to have a mind of its own? So not my jam.
Orri smells…right. I can’t explain why it’s instinctively perfect. In the swirling inferno of lust and fear, something about him calms me. He’s my anchor in the storm, a lifeline when I need it most. If someone asked me what he smelled like, I don’t know that I could even describe. It’s a subtle combination of all my favorite things — chocolate, a crackling fireplace, and some spicy scent I can’t place…
Wait, does this guy actually smell like as’more? With cinnamon graham crackers?
That delirious thought is the last one that stays with me as my eyes droop closed and I nuzzle into the warmth of his neck, letting instinct take over.
He’s here.
He’s an alpha.
And he’s going to make sure I’m okay.