Page 41 of Orri

"I know," I pout, pacing the waiting room for the umpteenth time. "But what if—"

Ulfar holds up a hand. "I'm gonna have to stop you there. Listen. I know it's our job to look for weaknesses and prepare for every eventuality, but Isabella is in good hands. The doctors will take care of her, you just need to trust that." He meets my gaze, and his expression is caring, but serious. "Last time she had twins and was a-okay after some bedrest. This should be easy by comparison."

I let out a heavy sigh. He's right, of course he's right, but my omega in labor dials up every protective instinct to eleven. It's probably a good thing I can't hear her from here, or I'd burst into the room before I could stop myself, and they’d have to escort me out. Again.

Learnedthatthe hard way last time.

"Where are the twins, anyway?" Ulfar asks. "Usually you're attached at the hip."

I smile at that. Before I met Isabella, kids were only an abstract idea, so far on the horizon that it was practically invisible. Nothing could have prepared me for the chaos that is raising twins, but I find that I'm enjoying it a lot more than I thought I would.

"Leo and Lyra are spending the day with Rathgar and Janie. Rathgar's not gonna admit it, but I think he just wants another little one to dote on. He was practically begging me to let him watch them."

Ulfar chuckles. "You got that right. Here, let me get you something to drink. Anything in particular?"

"Coffee," I say without missing a beat. "Black."

Only a minute later, Ulfar presses a cup of scalding hot coffee into my hands. The temperature catches me off guard and I hiss, nearly spilling even more over my bare skin.

"Careful," I groan. "You know I'm a mess right now."

Ulfar rolls his eyes, but there's mirth behind his expression. "You alphas, I swear. You go all bonkers over this stuff. I don't get it."

"You're an alpha, too," I grunt. "Or did you forget that?"

Ulfar shrugs. "Eh, it's never been an important part of my life. I'm pretty happy as it is. Don't see why chasing after a woman would make things any better. After I watched you mope after Zannah died, there’s not a lot of appeal.”

I snort into my coffee. "That's what they all say."

"Oh, come on. Not you too." Ulfar shakes his head at me.

Barking out a laugh, I finally plop down into one of the hard chairs and throw my arms over the backs of the surrounding ones. "I'm telling you, man. It's different. You think you know what's gonna happen and then boom."

"If you say so," Ulfar chuckles. "I'm just getting all the enjoyment I can out of watching you all acting like fools." He meets my eyes. It’s clear that he wants to continue to give me a hard time about how worried I am about my wife.

My mind's still racing and my thoughts are all over the place, but I know Ulfar's tactic. He's trying to keep me engaged so I don't worry about Isabella. And it's working.


We banter on like that for a few minutes more, sharing old stories and gossiping about new ones. When I finish my coffee and take our cups to the cleaning station, an idea pops into my head.

"I just thought of something," I say after returning.

"What, you left the stove on at home?"

I give him a playful swat against the back of his head and he cringes, groaning out a choked laugh. "No, you dummy. I finally figured out how I was gonna get you back for making fun of me 'freaking out' over Isabella."

"Oh?" Ulfar raises an eyebrow. "And how's that?"

"Bet when you're in my shoes, you'll be just as much of a wreck. Or more." My lips curl up into a grin. Ulfar may be my superior in a professional context, but he's still one of my closest friends.

Ulfar scoffs. "That's hardly a bet. No magic omega hormones are gonna change methatmuch. Besides, I've been in the system for years and nothing's come of it. If I was gonna be genetically matched, they would have done so already."

"Oh, so you don't think you can do it?" I know it'll get a rise out of him, and the more I'm bickering with Ulfar, the less time I'm beside myself with worry.

"I didn't say that!" Ulfar sputters. "I just think it's all kinda—" He waves his hand, looking for the words—
