She lets out a sound that is somewhere between a grunt and a whine. I’m already cursing myself for how it makes my cock ache. How it makes me wonder what she would sound like in bed, with me looming over her as she’s about to take my cock…
“Just…my leg,” she grunts at last. Her breaths come fast and heavy, catching each time Alyx lurches under us. I wish there was a smoother way, but she’s got to get to the transport first. They can take her to the center from there.
They.My mind flares with unexplainable ire at the thought.I should be the one taking care of her.
My nostrils flare. My hands clench on the reins and I look straight ahead, focusing on our destination and letting it fill my mind. Anything but…that. Anything but her.
I try to keep her busy with small talk on the ride back, but to be honest it is for my benefit just as much as it is for hers. She’s exhausted, in shock, and in pain, so she doesn’t say much. I don’t blame her. I can’t imagine what she’s gone through, and to be going into heat on top of that?
It’s no wonder she’s a wreck.
I do learn one thing, however — her name. Isabella.
Even the word rolls off my tongue like the sweetest honey, making rational thought difficult. I’ve heard Soren and Rathgar talk about what it’s like to mate with an omega in heat, but to be honest I thought they were exaggerating. I had no idea it would be this…consuming. But there’s another problem with this whole situation. Even if I wanted to claim her, I’m sure she’s already spoken for. She has to be.
Where is her alpha? Surely she has one. The Intergalactic Surrogacy Agency doesn’t let just anyone hitch a ride to Aesirheim. They have to be matched to a compatible alpha who has already paid. So what had happened?
“There you are!” Orvox rushes out of the center and meets us on the walkway. Her hair flies out behind her in nervous waves. I’ve never seen her look so serious. “Thank you for bringing her back, Orri. Help me get her settled and we’ll take it from here.”
A flash of possessiveness roars up in my chest. The primal, alpha part of me wants to tell her to get lost, that she has everything she needs right here. But I know that’s not true, and I know from the swelling of her leg that she needs more medical attention than I can provide.
“I’m gonna help you down,” I say to the exhausted beauty atop my ride. “Give me your hand.”
Her eyes droop, and her ankle is already an ugly shade of purple. However, she’s just aware enough to hear my words. As she leans forward, I catch a glimpse of her ample cleavage. Even though I’m holding my breath, her aroma surrounds me; it’s even stronger when her hand lands in mine. Good thing Orvox is about to take her off of my hands, because I feel my control wearing thin after the ride here.
I know she needs help. I know she’s hurt. But some darker part of me doesn’t care, and that instinct scares me. So with all the mental strength I can muster, I pull her closer and hope for the best.
Carefully, Orvox and I get Isabella down from my mount and onto the stretcher. No sooner is she laid down than Orvox is already connecting wires, running tests, and checking vitals. I couldn’t leave her in better hands, no matter what my hormones are saying about claiming her and filling her with my offspring.
“Thank you again!” She calls over her shoulder as she pushes Isabella inside. I turn to leave, but at the last second Isabella lifts her head and I swear, she looked right at me.
That isn’t the same terrified, glassy stare she fixed me with the entire way back. There’s a fire there. A passion. She mouths the words before the doors swish shut and she’s out of sight:
“Thank you.”
* * *
Aesirheim,normally so vibrant with life and activity, goes silent. I stare at the doors for a long moment. My thoughts are still with the small, precious human inside. Alyx nudges me with her snout, but I give her an absent-minded pet and think no more of it.
I can still feel Isabella’s heart beating against my chest. Her soft breath on my neck. I remember her warmth, so different to many of our females who run cold. When I think back to the condition I found her in, I’m amazed she managed to survive at all.
I don’t know what she did to get under my skin like this. I’ve seen so much battle and hurt and pain, nothing fazes me. Usually. But whether it was her soft features, her shocked expression, or the supple warmth of her curves against my body, I can’t bring myself to turn away. I have to know more about her.
The name rings in my head and rolls off my tongue.
My cock still aches at the thought of her scent. I shouldn’t be as worried as I am. This facility is the safest place for her, especially during her heat. If she doesn’t have an alpha, then…
I shake my head. Going down that path will only bring heartbreak.
I’m worried about her. That’s it.
And not because the terrified helplessness on her face reminded me of Zannah in her last moments, when I realized I couldn’t save her…
When I realized the one promise I swore not to break went up in flames.