"Is that a good thing?" I venture. Thought after thought piles into my mind. When I signed up for the surrogacy program, I knew it involved having a baby, but at the time that was no more than an abstract concept. A means to an end to get me off planet and to a safe haven, far away from my abuser.
So much had changed since then. Now that the possibility was here in front of me, I found the idea...exhilarating.
No, I realize as we bound toward the center. More than that. With Orri here at my side, the soft pink glow of sunset, and the tall grasses swaying around us, it feelsright. No longer do I have to worry about looking over my shoulder. No longer do I have to wonder what if, to watch others live their lives as mine passes me by.
I have a mate, and a home, and a family. And soon...if all goes according to plan...the blessing of a child.
"It's a very good thing," Orri promises me, kissing and nipping at the sides of my neck and my ears. I squirm and gasp against him as the village draws back into view. "You're coming home with me, Isabella. For good this time."
As I relax into his embrace and let the fear and stress fade away into a calm, comfortable peace, I know there's nowhere I'd rather be.
The sun's not even up yet, and I'm bustling around the kitchen making breakfast. Who am I, and what have I done with the old Orri? I smile to myself as I reach into the fridge and pull out the milk and juice.
I never cared much for cooking when it was just me, but now I have someone to cook for. After I got Isabella home and rested, we had her checked out by both the ISA and my clan's doctor. They both confirmed what we knew in our hearts already: she was pregnant. The real shocker was what they told us after the checkup — that they detected not one fetus, buttwo.
Twins. I can't believe it. As I flip the sizzling bacon and put a few more slices of bread in the toaster, I can't keep the smile from my face. How did I ever get so lucky?
At that thought, I hear movement behind me and turn to find Isabella standing in the doorway, dressed in my robe. It's way too large on her and the belt's only loosely tied, giving me an eyeful of what she has on underneath. Namely — nothing. I nearly drop the frying pan and take in the sight of her.
Messy bed hair, half-open eyes, and my robe draped loosely around her soft, curvy flesh. My mouth waters at the sight. Maybe I'm hungry for something else, after all. She yawns and stretches while rubbing her eyes and taking in the spread of food before her. "What's all this?" She mutters, leaning against the door frame. "Since when are you so into breakfast?"
I look up just long enough to catch the way her eyes light up at the sight. I could get used to that. "Since the doctors told us you need to rest up and eat up. Gotta get your iron levels back to normal, remember? That's why you were having those dizzy spells."
She just yawns again, nodding. "You try carrying two little people inside of you. It gets tiring."
The thought still sends a shiver down my spine. I still can't believe it. Not only did I get the girl, but she's going to have not one, but two babies. I'm nervous, of course — all the military training in the world can't prepare me for looking after a little one, let alone two — but I'm also excited to start this new part of my life.
For so long, I watched other couples and thought I'd never be able to have what they had. That the opportunity had passed for me long ago, and there was nothing left for me but blood and battle. But finding Isabella and opening my heart to her changed all of that. I realized that I still had plenty of life to live. And I realized that continuing to deny myself out of some misguided sense of loyalty was only keeping me stuck in the past.
Now, I have a beautiful woman by my side. An Earth woman, in fact. Definitely never thought I'd end up with a human, but surprisingly, it works. She's soft and sweet in all the right ways, and firm and feisty where it counts.
She's been watching me train every morning since we returned together. I know she wants to participate, but her body's still adapting to the pregnancy. Instead, I let her use a recording device and film each of my workouts.
It serves a double purpose — it will serve as training material for the new recruits, of course, but let's just say we made a couple of private videos for her eyes only. She'll have plenty to keep her occupied while I'm out on patrol, and I even got reassigned to a unit closer to home so I can watch over her.
All in all, things are looking up, and for the first time since Zannah passed away, I find myself actually looking forward to the future.
"I'm just one person, you know." Isabella laughs, joining me at the counter. She wraps her arms around my midsection and hugs me from behind. "How am I supposed to eat all of this?"
"I'm just following the doctor's orders. You've got to get your iron up, plus you're eating for three, remember?" I try to make it sound like that's the only reason. Not because I love taking care of her like this. It's the alpha nature in me coming out, now that we've accepted one another as mates.
Being an alpha isn't all about being a growly sex-crazed animal, after all. Of course, that's a part...a very sexy part, I think with a smile. But even more important than that is the way that alphas treasure and protect their mates.
Being with Isabella like this is more than I ever expected. More than I ever thought I deserved, especially after Zannah. But when I'm with Isabella, she makes me feel like a king. And I'm going to do everything in my power to spoil her like the treasure she is.
Gotta admit, I could get used to this.
She looks past me at the table and sees a full breakfast spread. She nudges me playfully. "For someone who claims not to like cooking, you sure does a good job of it."
Pancakes, fruit, yogurt...I tried to remember all of her favorite Earth foods and put them together for her. It took no small amount of shopping and watching videos on Earth cooking techniques, but I think my efforts are finally paying off.
Bacon sizzles in the pan, letting off the most mouth-watering aroma. Toast dings in the toaster, ready to be spread with the delicious green-colored jam that is a local specialty.