My heart aches. I miss them already, but I know that they'll be well taken care of.
Just like Soren is taking care of me right now.
I pick out a few options then hand the tablet back to Soren with a smile. "I've marked my order on the menu there. That will be enough for now." I stop, chewing my lip before I muster the next words. "Thank you."
Soren gives me a soft, good-natured laugh. "Of course, my dear Lara. It is no concern at all. You are my omega, for the duration of this arrangement. Whatever you desire, it shall be yours." He puts a fist to his chest, bowing his head. "I pledge that to you."
I can only sit there and stare, open mouthed. He's acting like I'm some kind of royalty, but he's the decorated warlord here. Is this...what the entire year will be like?
With a secret smile, I slip out of bed and into the bathroom, feeling the soreness between my thighs.
I wonder what the coming day will bring.
My Lara is adorable. She lights up with joy at the smallest things, like the plate of Earth pancakes we had delivered. There's one thing I still don't understand about humans, though.
How will she ever have a strong, healthy baby if she eats so little?
Perhaps it is not little for her, I remind myself as we share breakfast together. I offer her some of my food, but she says she can't handle another bite. I don't want to push her, so I leave it at that, but it looks like I'll need to do some more research.
If she's holding back just because she does not want to offend or inconvenience me, well...that is something I will have to fix. In the meantime, though, I am content to share this meal with her. To finally converse and talk and laugh together.
I have to admit, I was a bit nervous about this whole program. I was unsure if the omega serum would work and I was unsure what Earth girls would even be like. But after last night, I'm a believer.
And what's not to like about the curvy beauty before me? I can hardly tear my eyes away from her. Her hair falls in impossibly soft tresses over her shoulders, still a bit frizzy from sleep. Her dark eyes shine with delight and wonder at my words, at the food, at everything.
If this is luxury to her, it sickens me to know how bad things must have been down on Earth.
I did the right thing. This gorgeous creature deserves nothing less than to be treated like the queen that she is. And what's a small percentage of our wealth and resources to make that a reality?
There are, of course, less noble motivations...
Such as the way she came apart for me last night. The way her face scrunches up in the throes of passion. The delicious nectar between her legs, and the way I get hard just thinking about her. She has no idea what she does to me, and it's a slow, silent torture. I want nothing more than to bend her over the table and fuck her until we're both sweaty and spent.
But I can't. I won't. Not until she's rested and well fed. I owe her that much. Besides, we have the full year left together.
And once she's gotten her strength back, I plan to show her what an Aesir warlord can really do. I will fill her to bursting with my seed. I will mark her and claim her as mine, for the whole planet to see.
Already I know, deep in the pit of my stomach, that one year will not be even close to enough.
After I clean up the dishes from breakfast, I join her in the bedroom. My cock throbs at the mere sight of her by now. It's a painful, but delicious torture I don't think I'll ever get used to. And maybe I don't want to.
Lara lays propped against the pillows, staring at the ceiling with her hands folded. I hate to interrupt her thoughts, but...
"Hello?" I call as I step into the room, tapping gently on the open door.
Lara starts, hands shooting to the covers, then she sees me. A calm, grateful smile breaks through the clouds and lights up the whole room. I thank my lucky stars, once again, for bringing her into my life.
"Hope I wasn't interrupting anything," I say before sitting on the corner of the bed next to her. Is she lying here because she wants me to breed her already? Not that I'm going to say no, but it looks like I still have a lot to learn about human mannerisms.
She shakes her head and scoots up on the bed so that she sits upright. "No, you didn't interrupt anything. I was just thinking." Lara leans forward, taking my hand in both her own. Even with both of her tiny human hands, she's barely able to wrap around my thick palms.
"Oh?" All I know is that I want to keep the conversation going. For her to keep touching me.
"About...everything. About home. About..." She gestures at the cottage. "This."