The exploration -- not to mention our little 'detour' -- takes nearly all day. By the time we arrive back at the cottage, the pale moon hangs high in the sky and I'm struggling to stay awake.
My stomach feels a bit queasy, but I haven't eaten for most of the day. Soren, of course, insists I eat something. There's nothing I'd rather do than crawl into bed, but I humor him. I take the tablet and order up a strawberry milkshake and a slice of cake to end the day.
He doesn't comment on my choice of meal -- he said he could have whatever I wanted, after all -- but when I take the first bite of cake, my stomach twists in on itself.
The food hurtles right back up the way it came and I cover my mouth, eyes wide, as I rush to the bathroom. "My sweet?" I hear him call from behind me. "Are you all right?"
The door bangs open on its hinges and I barely make it to the toilet in time before I'm doubled over, retching the day's contents into the bowl. I heave and gag, bracing myself on the porcelain until there's nothing left. Soren stays by my side, gently brushing my hair out of my face and rubbing warm circles on my back.
When I'm finished, my whole body shakes and I feel like I can barely stand. Soren wraps his arms around me. "Do you feel ill? Do you need me to call the doctor?"
If I didn't feel so horrible, it would almost be cute how doting he's become. I brush him away and try to catch my breath. "I'm fine...just need..."
"What do you need? Anything you want, you got it." Soren runs a nervous hand through his hair. "I'm sorry I made you eat, I thought it would help with the cramps, but..."
"Not your fault," I croak. I try to get to my feet, but the world still spins too much for that. Cold tile floor it is. "Just bring me some water. And some crackers, if you can?"
"Of course." He kisses the top of my head and hurries off, leaving me with some much-needed silence. I let out one shaky breath, then another. All right. Don't panic.
They told us this would happen. The nurses when they came for their checkups said to be on the lookout for this sort of thing. My stomach cramps again, but nothing comes up. I press a hand to the sensitive area. Does this mean...?
Heart pounding in my chest, I open the cabinet under the sink and start filing through the various items. Bandages, no. Painkillers, no. Cotton swabs, still no. At last I find the box I'm looking for, all the way at the back. My hands shake as I open the package.
A pregnancy test.
Despite the alien nature of everything else on this planet, the pregnancy tests are the same ones I remember from Earth. It makes sense, though. Why would an alien pregnancy test work on a human?
I stare at the small stick in front of me. In the next few moments, whatever happens could change the course of my trip -- and my life -- forever. I think back on all the time I've spent with Soren. All the incredible sex and all the breathtaking views on this amazing planet. All in the name of duty, right?
I chuckle. It stopped being a 'duty' long ago. My hand rests against my belly and I wobble to my feet to sit over the toilet seat.
So, this was it. Of course the nurses would confirm it at my next appointment, but if it came out positive and I actually was pregnant...
A chill raced up my spine and mental images flooded my brain. A soft, squealing baby nestled in my arms. Soren standing next to me in a warm embrace. Would the baby be alien like him? Or human like me?
They'd said our DNA was compatible, but as for what we'd create together...
Would the child be a halfling of both worlds? And would they be able to live and thrive in this new environment? My heart squeezes as I remember Janie and Iris. At how hard Janie worked to provide for her little girl. Now I will have a chance to bring new life into the world -- this world -- and for all the excitement, I'm nervous, too.
I bite my lip and shove the stick between my legs, letting the stream catch the absorbent tip. I know in my gut, but I don't dare to believe it. I need proof. And the proof is right here, on this little plastic stick.
Popping on the cap, I set it on the edge of the sink and close my eyes. Any second now. Any second...
Finally, I can't wait anymore. I have to know. Or rather, I have to confirm what I already feel in my heart.
In shaking hands, I grab the test and check the result window. There it is, clear as day.
I'm not prepared for the rush of emotions that come next. Excitement. Relief. Anticipation. Nervousness. And on top of all of them, louder than the rest -- love. Pure, sweet love for the life we've created. My hand cradles my belly, and tears spring to my eyes.
I did it. No. We did it.
And the best gift of all, besides the fact that I have a little one on the way? They're not going to send me home. I get to stay here, on Aesir, with Soren.
At least...until the year is up. And then?
My heart clenches at the thought, but I did sign a contract...