Sparks of longing flare to life once more, taking seed in my belly and moving deeper down.
“You’re going to be staying with me.”
Oh. “You mean that room...”
“It’s your nest now. This is our way. Come.” He straightens and backs away from me, putting his arms down so I can move.
I let out a shuddering breath and my heart beats a couple extra times to catch up. Why does the space left between us suddenly feel so empty?
A nest, he’d called it. And as we walk into the bedroom together, some deep, omega part of me finds joy in that. A place of safety and comfort. A place to call my own.
I yawn and an almost untamable urge passes. Me, curled up in bed with Rathgar at my side. Me, belly round with child as we read a story to Iris together.
Me, with our new baby, showing them the wonders of this new world.
It’s just like the dream I had as a child. To grow up and be a mother and a wife and build a good, happy life with the people I loved.
It couldn’t be with Rathgar. It could never be with Rathgar. I’m worried that I’m setting myself up for heartbreak. But for the next few months that we could have together, would it be so bad to pretend?
Sometimes I wonder if I made the right choice. If I acted too rashly. But the thought of Janie staying with another alpha — even if it is Soren, a man I trust with my life — has me seeing red.
I thought these urges were supposed to pass after Janie’s heat was over. We did what we signed up to do. She’s pregnant, and well on her way to birthing a healthy Aesir child.
So why does her mere presence still drive my instincts crazy? There’s nothing I’d love more than to throw her in bed and show her just how much I missed her, but there’s not much I can do when she has a child in tow.
Make that two, if you count the one forming inside her.
I still haven’t forgotten how she rejected my advances, nor have I forgotten that she chose to break with tradition and stay with her sister instead of the housing I prepared for her.
She’s single-minded and stubborn, which is endearing in its own way, but if she does not learn her place in our society, she will continue to have trouble. And by extension, we will continue to have trouble.
Janie tests my patience in every way possible. As a mate, as an alpha, as a man, and as a father. I’ve put everything into making sure that she and Iris have everything they need for the pregnancy and beyond. It’s simply my duty as an alpha. It’s part of the contract we both signed. Nothing weird about it.
At least, that’s what I keep telling myself.
But with each day that passes, I’m finding that harder and harder to believe.
“Iris, no!” My ears perk up at the sound of Janie’s panicked yelp. Jumping to my feet, I run into the kitchen, ready to defend them if need be. But what awaits me is much less dangerous…and much more adorable.
Iris sits on the kitchen tile, mouth and hands smeared with dark red juices. She’s somehow even gotten it on her clothes and on her bare feet. For a moment it almost looks like blood, and it’s unnerving how worried that makes me. Plump, juicy berries, picked just this morning, are all over the floor and around her. On the counter is the overturned basket. She simply looks up at us with an innocent smile and raises her berry-stained hands to her mouth again.
Janie’s already picking up the berries and trying to scoop them back into the basket, but I step in before she can get much further. “Allow me.”
She gasps when she realizes I’ve been watching, and her hand covers her mouth as well. “Oh, I’m so sorry, Rathgar! I didn’t mean to make a mess, I had my back turned for one moment and she tipped over the basket, I’ll clean it up, I promise—“
“Hey.” I take her wrist, applying enough pressure for her to look up at me, eyes wide and embarrassed. Why does she continue to cower before me like this? Am I that unapproachable? “It’s all right.”
Janie’s mouth opens then closes again. Even though she’s distressed, the sight of her soft, pouty lips so close to mine makes me want to claim her all over again. This time it’s more than just a feral lust, though — something twinges at my chest, deep within. Something I’ve heard about only in legends and stories…
But it couldn’t be. Not with her.
“You can wipe down the counter and I’ll get Iris cleaned up.” I don’t leave room for her to question me. She needs to rest, not spend all day chasing after Iris. Janie acts like she’s the only one that can care for her, but she forgets that I’m right here.
And, whether I want to admit it or not, I kind of like looking after the girl. “Come on, little one.” I crouch down to her level and hold out my hand. She plops her much smaller hand in my own, along with a couple bruised berries.