My eyes narrowed. "And if it isn't the 'concerned citizen'."
He adjusted his shirt sleeves at the elbow, and my gaze snagged on scars he didn’t even try to hide. There was that unmistakable silver sliver across his mouth.
He smile again, a little wicked this time, and I did my best to convince my galloping heart to slow.
At least he had the grace to look slightly abashed. "Grant Elston," he said, extending his hand. "I promise I had no idea when we met earlier. Though I can't say I'm disappointed by the coincidence."
The evening just got interesting.
The air between us crackled with an energy I couldn't quite name. Rivalry? Intrigue? The age-old tension between our kinds hung heavy, an invisible barrier neither of us seemed willing to breach first.
"Shall we?" I gestured towards table. “Might as well eat now that you’re here, love.”
She stayed standing, arms crossing. “I’m not your love.”
Combative. The challenge curled deliciously around me. This was no docile bear, ready to roll over at the first sign of wolfish charm. No, Jane was all spit and vinegar, wrapped in a package that was becoming more intriguing by the second.
“Dinner’s paid for,” I said, taking my seat again. “And I figure if you came all this way, you don’t have anything better to do.” I glanced at her through my lashes. “Unless you were planning on hand-folding party napkins.”
A flush spread down her neck, but after glancing towards the exit, she sat opposite me and picked up the menu.
“My best friend helped me with my application. She decided it was a ‘fun fact’ about me.”
“What are friends for if not to embarrass us?”
She sent me a short, frank look. “I’m not embarrassed. It’s relaxing. Like origami, but useful.”
I spread my hands. “Consider me educated. Do you do it often?”
“Not usually.” This time, she glanced away. “Mostly for family events.”
Well that was a hobby not many people could boast. But it was oddly endearing.
She set down her water glass harder than necessary, “So, how come you’re using a matchmaking service? Run out of models and debutantes to terrorize? And now ambushing women in the woods is your new strategy? ”
Grant leaned back in his chair, never taking his eyes off me. "Only the interesting ones."
“Interesting? Little ole me? I’m flattered.”
I chuckled, leaning back in my seat. "Don't sell yourself short. It's not every day I meet a woman who can hold her own against three wolves, let alone one who runs her own business while raising twins."
Her eyes widened slightly, and I caught a flicker of something – pride, maybe? – before she schooled her features. "Well, aren't you the thorough one; doing your homework and reading my file before our date.”
"Time spent learning about you is hardly wasted," I countered, enjoying our verbal sparring. It was refreshing, this back-and-forth. Most women I dated were either too intimidated by my family or too eager to please. Jane, though... she was different.
A waiter approached, and we paused to order drinks. As he walked away, I found myself studying Jane more closely. The way she held herself, alert yet relaxed, spoke volumes about her strength. It was... attractive, in a way I hadn't expected.
“Surely you don't lack for admirers…”.
I held up a hand, stopping her before she could get any further. “This isn’t about that.”
“I’m not here to hook up. I’m after a different kind of girl.”
"Is that your way of saying I'm not your usual arm candy?"