“There’s blood in my mouth,” I said.

He dropped his mouth to my jaw, where he kissed down to my neck. “You’ve been with the humans too long if you think that’s a turn off for me.”

“I’m glad that you think that was hot, but we are naked, covered in blood, and standing in a field near a highway.” I cocked my head. “Sounds like the start of a horror movie.”

“My kind of movie,” he said. Like last night, I melted against him. I let my head fall back as I moaned. He moved his lips down, from my neck to my chest, where he licked a long stripe across my collarbone.

“What would the title be?” I asked haltingly. I could barely get the words out as his tongue moved down and danced across my breasts.

“The Bear Gets What He Wantssounds like the perfect title.”

Owen thought he was clever. Two could play at that game. “I was thinking more along the lines of,The Alpha Has to Work For It.”

Even as I laughed with him, the space between my legs grew wet as he stroked and kissed my swollen breasts. My knees trembled. I wanted him inside me again.

“I want you,” he said.

Astounded at my own brazen thoughts, I agreed with him. “I want you too,” I whispered, which was a massive understatement.

I put my hand on his face. His dark eyes, usually piercingly sharp, were a little dim. I smoothed my hand over his cheek. If he wasn’t back to one hundred percent, we didn’t need to be fooling around. And it was probably prudent that we watch out for more of Bull’s men, instead of hanging all over each other. “I’m grateful you are, but how are you even awake?”

“My MASK unit spent about a month ingesting tranquilizers. A little bit at a time.”

I looked at his eyes, trying to see if his pupils looked any different. “I thought that was a myth.”

“Nope. It works like any drug or alcohol. I’m not immune, obviously, but I have a tolerance.”

On impulse, I leaned in and wrapped my arms around him. “You are full of surprises.”

His arms came up to grip me in a full-bodied hug. “This must have been Bull’s B team if they didn’t anticipate something like that.” I felt him kiss the top of my head. “They didn’t even cuff me.”

“Noobs,” I said, looking up at him. “That’s what my boss’s kids say.”

We laughed together.

He pulled back a little. “It’s all I can do to keep my hands off of you. And I would love to have you outside, but not until we’ve dealt with the rest of Bull’s lackeys. They could be surrounding us right now and I’d miss it.”

“Not into exhibitionism?”

“Not with people trying to kill you.” He looked up at the sky, then turned, looking over the road and the woods behind us. “Let’s get going. We either need to shift, and travel as bears, or we need to take this van back to the hotel and get the patrol car. This van could have a tracker on it.”

“How did they find us to begin with?” I asked.

“Bull has infiltrated everywhere. Now that I know he’s a bear, it makes more sense. He’s able to reveal himself to shifters, and gain absolute loyalty. It’s possible he’s had a tracker on your car too. ”

“Ugh. Makes me want to push the car into the Royal Gorge.” I shivered. This wasn’t my first encounter with a smart criminal, but it was the first where I’d been so thoroughly snowed. At least I wasn’t the only one. “What’s your recommendation? Shift or drive?” I asked Owen.

When I saw the smug way his lips turned up at the corners, I whacked him on the arm. “Don’t say a word. Yes, I am able to recognize your expertise.” I coughed. “Every now and then.”

He couldn’t stop the grin from fully spreading across his face. “In that case, we need to shift. That’s the fastest way to throw them off.” He pulled up a map on his phone. “Let me show you where we’re headed.”

He pointed to a tiny spot on the map east of Avon. “My safe house cabin is in Red Cliff. It’s not much of a functioning town now, so we’ll stay there for now.”

“You know, I’m kind of looking forward to shifting again,” I said. “The first time I was so focused on escaping from Bull’s men that I only partially was aware of how it felt. This time I plan to enjoy it.”

“Don’t get too comfortable. I need you to be aware of your surroundings.”

“I know. We’re not out of the woods yet.” I waited a beat. “Literally.”