I tossed the rag into the sink, with the countertops now clean enough to catch the sun. “Want me to call the commander?”
“Yes,” said Blake. “You do that.”
“I’ll even let you hit dial,” I teased Jess, sliding into the seat beside her on the couch. “Since you’re so keen to do some work.”
“Oh, screw you,” she said, curling up against me. “Stop being good to me. I hate it.”
I kissed the side of her head, enjoying her teasing, and dialed the number on our sat phone. It didn’t take more than a couple of rings for the commander to answer.
“Unit A7.”
“Yes, sir. Just wanted to update you on our position. Leaving in T-minus 15, approximately. No gear left behind.”
“Inclusive of data?”
“Correct, sir.”
“Good. Glad you boys are heading home. You’ve done good work for us out there.”
“Thank you, sir.” My arm tightened around Jess, squeezing her shoulder. “And our support personnel too. Couldn’t have done it without her.”
“Of course,” he said. His tone suggested he hadn’t thought of her, and still didn’t really make much of her contribution — but whether the commander believed Jess was indispensable or not was kind of immaterial to the truth. However, this task had turned out, it certainly wouldn’t have been as easy or as enjoyable without Jess here with us. It wouldn’t have been over as quickly, either. Even now, the thought of her captured made me flutter with anger — but it also reminded me that she hadn’t given them a word of information, not even when her life was in danger.
She was something special. Our commander’s nonchalance was irritating, but I didn’t need his confirmation to know that. I hoped she didn’t either.
The drive felt so much longer on the way out to the cabin than it did on the way back. A few months ago, the North men were driving me into the unknown. I had barely known any of them, and only really felt friendly with Stone to begin with. Now, it was a completely different story. We were heading back to a civilization I knew well, and I was surrounded by company that I loved. Company that lovedme.No matter who was driving and who slept, the time passed quickly and with laughter.
By the time I started recognizing landmarks and buildings in our home city, I was almost sad to be away from that wilderness where we’d all fallen for one another. I could only hope that our feelings would be the same out here, where they could find any number of pretty girls to occupy their time and bear their children.
Preston squeezed my hand as we pulled up to the North men’s home. I barely remembered it from my interview. Now that I was arriving here with an invitation to live there, it felt like a completely different environment. I found myself taking light and cautious steps as I headed up the driveway to the front door, almost nervous of what I’d see inside. As though it wouldn’t measure up to the dreams of the busy family life I’d been envisioning back at the cabin.
“Welcome home,” said Stone, as he unlocked the door.
As it swung open, every fear I had melted easily away. The hallway inside already smelled like all four North men in some innate, natural way — not the aftershave they wore or their shampoo, but the core of them. A wave of comfort washed over me as we stepped inside, Blake following us in with my bag.
“Of course, you can live at your own place for as long as you like,” he assured me. “There’s no pressure to run on in here. We want you happy and relaxed. But… you can consider this place home just as soon as you want to.”
“It already feels like home,” I admitted. I ran my fingertips over the back of the couch, and imagined us all piled together in front of the fire here, just as we had in the cabin. There was a lot more space for us on this floor — and the plush, soft faux-fur rug on the floor looked like it would provide a pretty comfortable place to lie.
Everything was perfect. The only factor I couldn’t guarantee was me.
I turned to face all four of them, smiling faintly.
“It’s beautiful here,” I said. “It reallydoesfeel like home. I want to be here. I just… I hope I’m not a disappointment.”
Hale’s brow furrowed. “How could you be?”
“I don’t know.” I folded my hands. “I’ve never been a mom before. Never had four boyfriends at once. I don’t know how to do any of this. Outside of that cabin, and all that honeymoon feeling… I just don’t want to let you down. That’s all.”
They closed in around me, and I leaned into Stone as he came close, Blake’s hand fastening into mine.
“You don’t need to worry about that,” Blake promised. “You’re our One Mate, Jess. I’m sorry if we haven’t made it clear enough, but… don’t you know what that means?”
I shook my head against Stone’s chest.
“It means we’re fated for each other,” Hale explained, his soft voice taking up the mantel for Blake. “Some part of you calls out to some part of us in a way we’ll probably never fully understand, but… it’s very, very strong. Doesn’t matter how out of place you feel, or how new you are to this. We’re all yours now. Protectors. Lovers. Fathers to your children.”