“Well that's...” a sudden wave of dizziness almost knocked me off my stool. My head spun so hard that I actually put both of my hands on the table in front of me and held on tightly.

“Cheyenne? Are you okay?” I looked at Ridge and realized my vision was weird too. I could see him, but nothing else around him. It was like his beautiful face was at the center of a clear prism. He was framed by a blur of lights and color. “Cheyenne?” He said my name again and I heard it, but inside my head, not through my ears. All that I could hear in my ears was the relentless pounding of the blood flowing from my head to my rapidly beating heart.

“I-I'm not feeling so good,” I said, as the dizziness and the other weird stuff was joined by a bout of nausea. I saw Ridge come out of his seat and felt his arm go around me.

“Let's get you some air.” He was sliding me off my stool and into his arms.

I felt like I was going to vomit all over him and I panicked.

“No Ridge...I'm okay...” The edges of my vision changed again, and everything was gray. I could still see his face, but the gray fog that surrounded it blurred his features. I felt my legs giving out. I couldn't stand on them...but then I realized they hadn't given out, Ridge was holding me around my waist, and up off the floor about an inch, and he was carrying me through the crowd toward the back door. Once again I panicked as he pushed through it and took me with him. I felt the rush of cool ocean air and I couldn't hold back the vomit any longer. I doubled over, emptied my stomach and I felt myself begin to cry. I couldn't stop. I was shaking all over and I realized that Ridge was stroking my hair and telling me everything would be okay. I thought he was so sweet, to stick by me the way he was. And then just as everything around me was fading to black I heard him say,

“You'll sleep it off quickly, and the rest of the night will be ours.”