Page 98 of March

“Don’t change the subject,” Sophie said.

Bryce sighed and replied, “I’m not, Soph. I’m trying to enjoy our time together. We can talk about this when I’m back home. We’ll only be able to talk until we see each other again anyway. I like talking about the future with you, but focusing on it now, while I’m lying right next to you and just want to keep touching you and enjoying our time together, makes our last couple of days feel sad, and I don’t want to feel sad right now.”

“Right,” Sophie said, nodding. “You’re right. I’m sorry. I get ahead of myself sometimes. I just like to plan things, you know? I think seeing my friends all coupled up and talking about getting engaged just made me turn into one of those girls.”

“I like that you’re one of those girls,” Bryce said with a smile. “I want that, Soph. I’ve never reallyjustdated because I don’t want to justdatesomeone. I want tobewith someone. I want to be withyou. I promise you, we will talk, and when the time comes, we can decide what steps to take and when, okay?”

“Yeah,” Sophie replied. “I think I’d like to hop in the shower. Want to join me?”

Bryce’s phone rang.

“Saved by the bell?” Sophie said.

“Saved? More liketortured. Hold on.” She rolled over and reached for the phone. “It’s Megs.”

“Get it. I’ll get started without you,” Sophie told her as she wiggled her eyebrows.

“Don’t youdareget started without me. Shower only, Soph. No touching.”

Sophie laughed as she walked into the bathroom.

“Megs?” she said into the phone.

“Did you know?”


“Did you know?” Megan repeated.

“Megs, I’m sorry. I just woke up,” she lied. “What are you talking about?”


“What about her?” She played dumb because she didn’t want to blurt something out that would get her in trouble later.



“She told me.”

“Told you what?”

“Oh, my God! She told me she likes me, and she said that you know, so stop pretending like you don’t.”

“Megs… I’m your friendandKelsey’s, so I’m kind of stuck right in the middle here.”

“I know. She said that you know, though. And she told me, Bryce. I really need someone to talk to about this. Sean is dealing withyouright now, so I didn’t want to talk to her. I know you’re with Sophie, but this couldn’t wait until you got home.”

“Okay. Calm down, Megs,” she said as she heard the water starting on that shower. “She told you?”

“That she likes me, yes.”

“What did you tell her back?”

“That I like her, too, because I can’t just drop the fact that I’ve been in love with her for years on her right after she says that. She’s never liked a woman before, Bryce. Why me? Why now? I’ve wanted her for years, andnowshe’s interested? She’s straight. How many times has she dated a girl? None. Only guys for Kelsey. No girls. I mean, women. No women. Now, she thinks she likes me and wants to go out?”

“Okay.” Bryce chuckled. “I think you’re rambling a little, which I understand, but it’s kind of hard to make sense of it all.”