“And ship it,” the woman offered. “Anywhere domestically, anyway.”
“No, it’s a gift,” Bryce said and pulled out a credit card for this impulse purchase. “It’s going to a local.”
“Bryce, no way. I can’t–”
“Sophie, it’s our bar,” she said. “And it’s glowing in the dark and making it all feel like we’re on that street whenever we stare at it.” She handed the woman her credit card. “I want it.”
“Okay. Buy it and have her send it home for you.”
“No, I want it here for when I come back. Will you hang it up in your place for me? I’ll do it, if you want. I’m very handy.” Bryce smiled at her. “Soph, it’s for you to look at when I’m not here.”
“Oh,” Sophie said with a solemn nod.
“And I can see it when I come back and remember that we bought it on my first visit back to you.”
“That’s sweet,” the gallery employee said as she swiped Bryce’s credit card. “How long have you two been together?”
“About two days,” Sophie said with a chuckle.
“About ayearand two days,” Bryce added.
Sophie tilted her head at that and nodded.
“Well, that’s confusing,” the woman said as she handed the credit card back. “Give me just a minute to wrap it up for you.”
When they were left alone, Bryce turned back to Sophie and said, “Soph, I’ve been yours since that night. You know that, right? I’m all-in on this. I meant what I said to Kelsey on the phone a minute ago and to Victoria in the interview today: I am all-in on us.”
Sophie took Bryce’s hand and said, “So am I.”
“Then, will you hang up the painting for me?”
“I thought you were handy,” Sophie teased as she placed her free hand on Bryce’s hip.
“Do you have a hammer and a nail?”
“Possibly.I’mnot handy.”
“Sophie, you need a toolbox with basic supplies.”
“Why? I live in an apartment. I have a maintenance guy who fixes things for me.”
“We’re buying you a hammer and maybe a couple of screwdrivers.”
“I have the ones I get from IKEA in my junk drawer. They work fine.”
“You’re killing me right now,” Bryce said, shaking her head.
When Sophie laughed, Bryce cupped her soft cheek and leaned in for a quick kiss.
“Where are we going after this?”
“Well, I thought this would take longer, and we’d look atallthe paintings, but you took about thirty seconds and just bought one, so I don’t know,” Sophie said with a smile.
“Back to my hotel?” Bryce asked. “It’s closer than your place.”
“You want to watch another movie? My TV is bigger than your laptop, babe.”
“No, Soph. Idon’twant to watch another movie.”