Page 74 of March

“Hey, Kels. What’s up?”

“She ended it,” Kelsey said.

“Who ended what?”

“Megs. Megs ended it with what’s her name.”

“You know her name, Kelsey.” Bryce chuckled.

“Her name doesn’t matter anymore because Megs broke up with her. Well, they weren’t actually together; it was a few dates. But they’re not going out anymore.”

“When did this happen?”

“About twenty minutes ago. Megs texted me.”

“I didn’t get a text.”

“She knows you’re with Sophie, and she’s nice. I am, however, not nice and interrupting you because I amfreakingout, Bryce. She ended things.”

“Did you say something to her?”

“What? No. She texted me that it was over, and I called to check on her like a good friend. She said she was okay. It was really early, but it was the right decision. I guess what’s her name didn’t want kids and was all very adamant and judgy about it, questioning whyanyonewould want to have kids, and Megs wants them soon. Megs told me that was enough to convince her that what’s her name is wrong for her.”

“You’re really going to keep calling herwhat’s her name, aren’t you?” Bryce laughed.

“Yes, because she’s gone now, Bry. She’s gone, and Megs textedmefirst. Just me. Not Sean. Not you. Not the group text. She wants us to hang out.”

“That’s good.”

“Yeah. She told me she didn’t want to invite Sean, and you’re in New Orleans, and she wants us to hang out.”

“Hangout, Kels. Notgoout.”

“I know. But it’s a start. We talked a little on the drive back from the airport. It wasn’t about anything real, but at least we talked like we used to. Now, she wants to hang out alone with me again. I don’t know, Bry… I can feel it.”

“Feel what?”

“Like things are changing with us. Like I’m ready to tell her.”

“Kelsey, you have to be careful.”

“I know.”

“Can you really see it? See yourself being with a woman? Being with your best friend like that? It’s such a big deal. You tell her, and it’s out there. You can’t take it back. And if you figure out later that you can’t really be with her in the way that she’s wished for forever, it will kill her, Kels.”

“I know,” Kelsey repeated. “Bryce, I can’t stop thinking about her. It’s all the time now. It’s every moment I’m at work. It’s when I’m at home, cooking dinner or trying to fall asleep. I picture her staying over and wearing my clothes and waking up with her still in my old T-shirt, with nothing else on. I… picture other things, too, and it feels so good. I have never thought of someone like this before. Never. I realize what I’m risking, and I don’t want to hurt her. I just want her to be so happy.”

Bryce turned to look over at Sophie, who was doing her best to pretend like she couldn’t at least hear Bryce’s half ofthe conversation, and she had to smile over at her because she wanted Sophie to be so happy, too.

“She ended things with what’s her name on her own, not because I told her that I wanted to be with her. I waited, Bry. She was with someone, and as long as she was happy with her, I wasn’t going to tell her because I mean it: Megs is the best person and deserves to be with the best person for her.”

“And you think that’s you?”

“Don’t you?” Kelsey asked.

Bryce chuckled and said, “Well, I never really let myself think about that. You were always the straight one, Kels. I was too busy telling Megan that she should try to find someone else.”

“But it’s me, isn’t it?” Kelsey asked. “It’s me for her, Bry.”