Page 110 of March

“I bet. All that sex probably, huh?”

Bryce turned to her and asked, “Do you actually want to know?”

Sean stopped the car when they arrived at a light and said, “The specifics? No. But I wouldn’t mind knowing that you were okay.”

“I’m good,” she said. “We’re good, Sophie and me.”

“Good,” Sean replied. “And she’s going to visit?”

“Soon.” Bryce nodded.

“And you’re doing long-distance?”


“Will she move?”

“No,” she said. “I will.”

Sean had finally turned to her then.

“You will?”

“When we’re ready, yes,” she replied. “I love her, Sean. It’s her for me.”

“And you have to be the one to move?”

“I don’t have to, no. Soph would consider moving here. Things might change, but I like New Orleans. It opens up a whole lot of opportunities for me for my blog and maybe some other things, too. Sophie’s family lives there, and her grandma isn’t doing so well, so I don’t want to ask her to move away from her.”

“Makes sense,” Sean said when the light had changed. “So, what… Like, six months?”


“When will you move?”

“Not in six months.” Bryce chuckled. “We haven’t talked about a timeline, but I owe my aunt work on the house, and I’d need to make sure she has a new paying tenant or buyer. I think we’ll do back and forth for a while, but maybe in a year. Maybe nine months. I don’t know.”

Sean nodded and asked, “Will you visit?”

“Of course, I’ll visit, Sean. My people are here. I wouldn’t just move away and never come back.”

“Okay,” Sean said softly. “I’m working on it, you know? Moving on.”

“I know,” Bryce replied.

“I think I can meet her for real this time when she visits.”

“It would be soon, Sean.”

“I know. It’s okay. I’ll behave.” The woman chuckled.

Later, Bryce was staring at Sean from her position on the sofa, watching her friend laugh and really hoping things would be okay between them when Sophie visited.

“Bry?” Megan said.


“It happened.”