Page 88 of March

“Come on… It’s right there. I have to take it.”

“You’re better than that,” Sophie teased.

She watched Bryce send the message as she took off and hung her work clothes back in her closet. Then, she heard Bryce’s phone chime, and Bryce typed another message. Sophie stood in her bedroom, wearing only her bra and panties, and watched as her girlfriend messaged her ex-girlfriend and now friend that she was in a new relationship and to avoid her blogbecause it would likely hurt Sean, and she fell a little more in love with her then.

When Bryce put her phone down and hit publish on the post, Sophie removed her bra and panties and waited. Bryce turned to her then, and her eyes raked over Sophie’s body. She licked her lips, and without turning her eyes away from Sophie, she pulled open the drawer next to her.

“Pull out your favorite one,” she said in a much deeper voice than she’d had only a moment ago.

“Am I using it on myself or are you using it on me?”

“Both,” Bryce replied.

“Two different things, then,” Sophie said as she walked over to the drawer.

She pulled out her favorite vibrator, which always made her come fast, and a dildo that she used on herself whenever she needed something a little deeper than her own fingers could provide.

“Jesus,” Bryce whispered, looking at the flesh-colored dildo. “Do you have a–”

Before she could finish, Sophie dropped the harness down onto the bed beside her girlfriend.

“I boughtthisonline the day you said you were coming to visit. I wanted to be prepared,” she shared. “I had an idea that you’d want to do this.”

Bryce nodded rapidly.


“Hey,” Sean said.

“Hey,” Bryce replied.

“I didn’t read it, if that’s why you’re calling.”

“I wanted to talk to my friend,” Bryce said. “We usually talk every day.”

“Well, things are changing, aren’t they?” Sean asked with a sigh. “It’s fine, Bry. I get it. You two are together.”

“Does that mean that we can’t be friends anymore?”

“I don’t know. I don’t want us to stop being friends. I got used to you being around all the time. I don’t know that I really thought we would get back together after these many years – I’m not delusional – but it’s hard, being the one who was about to buy a ring, watching the one you wanted to buy itformove on with someone else. Thanks for the warning about the blog. It’s been even harder recently, watching it unfold online and seeing all the comments rooting for you guys. It’s not that I’m rootingagainstyou. It’s just hard to see that.”

“I know. I’m sorry,” Bryce replied.

“Is she there with you?”

“She’s in the shower.”

“And you are?”

“At her place,” she replied.

“And you’re a couple now?”

“Yeah,” she said softly.

“But you’re not in the shower with her?”

Bryce smiled and said, “No. I wanted to talk to you.”