Page 84 of March

“It’s not a done deal yet, but I’m so close.”

“I know. I’m so happy for you, beautiful.” She kissed Sophie’s temple.

“I wouldn’t have to move to Atlanta.”

“No, you wouldn’t.”

“That’s important because my girlfriend said she would never live there.”

Bryce smiled, hearing that word for the first time, and nodded.

“I have a feeling that if you had to be there for work, I’d have to change my mind on that.”

Sophie looked down at her and replied, “You said you couldn’t see yourself living there.”

“And I meant it. But now that we’ve done this, I can’t exactly see myself without you, either.”

“I wouldn’t ask you to move somewhere just for me, Bry. We’d have to find something that works for both of us. I don’t want one of us to wake up one day resenting the other person because we moved somewhere that doesn’t make us happy.”

“I don’t want that, either,” Bryce said. “We’ll talk later. When’s your interview?”

“Oh, crap.” Sophie got out of bed quickly. “In, like, two hours. He was free today, so I said I could do it.”

“Well, let’s get going, then,” she replied. “Unless you want me to stay here.”

“No way. Come on. Bring your stuff for the night, too.”

“You’re kind of a bossy girlfriend, you know?” Bryce teased.

“Whohad my hands pinned to the wall last night?” Sophie asked as she put on her bra.

“God, don’t remind me. You’ll only turn me on again, and we need to get you home.”

“There’s alwaysafterthe interview,” Sophie replied as she slipped into her shirt.

“Fuck,” Bryce whispered as she looked at Sophie, who was only wearing a shirt, which meant she could see everything below her waist with perfect clarity. “Are you wet right now?”

“No way. We have to go,” Sophie told her and reached for her underwear.

“Just answer the question, Santiago,” Bryce said as she shifted to a sitting position on the end of the bed.

“Yes,” Sophie replied. “Since I turned around and saw you in the bar, wearing the same sexy outfit you had on when we met.”

Bryce gripped Sophie’s hips and pulled her toward her.

“Keep it that way. After you crush your interview, we’re going to spend the rest of the day in bed.”

She lifted Sophie’s shirt a bit and kissed her stomach.

“What about that grocery shopping you wanted to do?” Sophie asked with her hands on Bryce’s shoulders.

“I’ll do it during your interview. We can make a list on the way to your place, and you can tell me where the store is.”

“Let’s go together. I think if a new couple can survive a grocery store, that’s a good sign of longevity.”

“I thought that was IKEA,” Bryce replied, looking up at her.

“We can do that the next time you’re here,” Sophie joked with a laugh and ran a quick hand through Bryce’s hair before she moved out of her grasp.