Page 83 of March

“We would need to go grocery shopping today, then,” Sophie replied. “I have neither of those things in my fridge.”

“Let’s do it,” she said. “I want all the chores with you.”

“You want chores?”

“I want the life, Soph. Groceries are part of it. I want to argue about who takes out the trash and who drank the last of the orange juice.”

“I don’t like orange juice.”

“You don’t? Who doesn’t like orange juice?”

“I tolerate it if it’s the only option, but it’s not something I buy for myself.”

“Then, I’ll buy…” she started.

“Grapefruit juice.”

Bryce smiled down at her and thought about Sophie’s shampoo.

“I’m sensing a theme,” she said as she kissed Sophie’s neck.

“A coincidental one. I bought the shampoo-conditioner set because it was on sale. I didn’t even check the scent.”

“Has it been on sale this whole time?”

“No.” Sophie laughed. “You seemed to like it, so I kept buying it.”

Bryce smiled before she tugged on Sophie’s earlobe with her teeth. It was too soon to tell her; she knew that. But she felt it, and every time Sophie said something like that, Bryce wanted to tell her. They were on the tip of her tongue, those three words, but they’d only had a couple of days together, and things had been intense from the beginning with them, so she wanted to be careful.

When her hand slipped between Sophie’s legs, Sophie parted them for her farther. As Bryce sucked on her pulse point, her fingers dancedaroundSophie’s clit, not touching it directly just yet. She wanted Sophie to come, but not quickly this time. The rush of last night, of needing their first time to be quick, had passed, and now, she wanted to enjoy this as much, if not more, than Sophie as she explored her slowly, dragging her fingers up and down before moving to the side. When she could resist no longer, Bryce flicked her fingers a few times, earning some gasps before she squeezed Sophie’s clit between her thumb and forefinger, getting a moan out of her with that.

“You too,” Sophie said before Bryce kissed her.

Bryce lowered her own sex over Sophie’s thigh but let Sophie’s hand move between them. When Sophie’s fingers slipped between Bryce’s folds, they were off.

“Ireallylike mornings with you,” Sophie said breathlessly as her hips lifted and fell repeatedly.

Bryce kissed her again, and when they came together, it was with their foreheads pressed, eyes closed, and gasps that the other could feel against their own lips.


Sophie was walking around Bryce’s hotel room naked. She’d dropped the towel after drying off and was looking for her jeans from the previous night, which had ended up on the floor. Bryce had dried off after their shower, too, but she’d chosen to climb back into bed, thinking Sophie would do the same so that they could plan their day. Now, she watched Sophie bend over to pick up her jeans, and it took everything in her not to pull the woman backintobed with her and make her come again. She knew they were both too exhausted for that, though, and probably too sore as well.

When Sophie’s phone rang from its position on the desk, she looked at Bryce as if Bryce would know who was calling her. Bryce just shrugged. Sophie looked down at the phone and picked it up.

“Hello?” Sophie paused for a second. “Oh, hi.”

Bryce sat up in bed, wondering who she was talking to now.

“Really? Yeah, great.” Sophie paused again. “I can do that.” Another pause. “Okay. That sounds great. Thank you.” Sophie hung up, dropped the jeans back onto the floor, and jumped onto the bed and on top of Bryce. “They want me to interview again,” she said with a smile.

“What? Who?”

“Arnette. That was their recruiter. She said they just needed me to talk to one more person. It’s someone I know from when I was there last time. If that goes well, it’s the last step. I’d get the job.”

“Really? That’s awesome, babe. I told you that you were worrying for nothing yesterday. You nailed that interview.”

Sophie fell into her body, and Bryce held on to her.