Page 81 of March



“Can I touch you now?” she asked.

She could feel Bryce smile against her skin, and Sophie smiled just from that.


Bryce had already come twice, which wasn’t unusual when she was alone. Often, she would give herself a warm-up orgasm with her hand and watch a really well-done sex scene in one of the few decent lesbian romance films, and she’d slowly bring herself to another. Sometimes, she’d replay the scene over again and go for a third, and on a few occasions, she had tried for a fourth with a vibrator. Once sated, she’d turn off the TV and try to get some sleep.

With a partner, though, she hadn’t ever had two in a row so quickly and still needed another one. It wasn’t that they weren’t good, so she needed that explosive orgasm to make her body relax. She was plenty relaxed against Sophie’s body. Her face was against Sophie’s neck, and Sophie’s hands were in her hair and running over her back, which Bryce knew was clammy. She’d come hard both times and could easily fall asleep, content in Sophie’s arms just like this, but then Sophie was asking her that question.

“Can I touch you now?”

Bryce smiled against her neck because, yes, Sophie could touch her now. She could make her come again, and probably easily because Bryce’s body was thrumming. Her heart was still beating fast. The tingles in her fingers and toes hadn’t yetsubsided, and just hearing Sophie ask her that question had her more than ready to come again.

She didn’t move at first, though. Bryce loved that she could feel Sophie’s heart racing in her chest. She loved how Sophie felt, how she smelled, and she definitely loved how every inch of her tasted. She loved how she sounded when she came, and she loved how they’d kept eye contact during their shared orgasm. Seeing Sophie so vulnerable like that, face and neck flushed and her mouth wide open, silently expressing her pleasure until she was taken over the edge by Bryce’s touch, was more than enough for Bryce to know for sure that this was it for her. Sophie washerSophie, after all.

“Bry?” Sophie said softly.


“You’re still on top of me.”

“I really don’t see a problem here,” she replied.

Sophie chuckled, and Bryce felt it in her still-tingling toes. She shifted to look down at her, needing to look into Sophie’s smiling eyes.


“Yes?” Sophie wrapped her arms around Bryce’s neck.

“We have things to figure out, but I want to be anuswith you.”

Sophie nodded and said, “I want to be anuswith you, too.”

Content with the answer, Bryce leaned down and kissed Sophie slowly while her hand roamed up and down Sophie’s side. They stayed like that for a few minutes until Sophie’s hips started to rise and fall, so Bryce took the hint and rolled onto her side and then her back. Sophie straddled her hips, and Bryce thought she could get used to this view. Sophie’s breasts were larger than hers. They were full and perfect, and she wanted to taste them for hours. Her hands went to cup them, and she massaged them as Sophie began to rock against Bryce’s stomach.

She wondered if she could make Sophie come like this, massaging her breasts and just letting her rub herself all over Bryce’s stomach, but before she could find out, Sophie was shifting until her knee was trying to push Bryce’s legs apart. Sophie looked down, and Bryce could swear she saw a smirk there as Sophie took her in. She knew she was very wet and probably still swollen, too, and Sophie seemed to enjoy the sight.

“Do you know how many times I thought about this?” Sophie asked as she moved to hover over her.

“About as much as I did?” she asked, rubbing her hands over Sophie’s back.

“If you thought about it every night and multiple times throughout the day when youshould’ve been working, then yes,” Sophie replied.

“If only you knew how many times I touched myself thinking about you doing it,” Bryce said.

“Was it every day? Because I think, for the past year, it’s been about every day for me.”


“Did you go through my stuff when you were in my room?”

“What? No,” Bryce replied, shaking her head.

“Well, if you had, you would’ve found my drawer.”