Page 72 of March

“Let’s try to be optimistic. When did he say they’d be reaching out?”

“He didn’t.”

“Oh,” Bryce let out. “Well, that just means he doesn’t know.”

“It means I didn’t get it. I don’t understand… It was a good interview. And I don’t say that about every interview I do, either. We talked like people more than he did a whole interrogation thing.”

“Then, I’m sure it’s a habit,” Bryce suggested. “Do you want to call Monica? Maybe she can tell you more about this guy or something.”

“We’re supposed to meet them for an early dinner,” Sophie said, looking up at her. “Is that okay? She asked me, and I said yes, but I should’ve talked to you first.”

“I get to meet the friends? Yeah?” Bryce asked, looking so excited that Sophie couldn’t believe she could be this adorable about meeting her friends.

“It would be Monica and Bridgette. I didn’t invite Melinda and Kyle or Jill.”

“So, a double date, then?” Bryce asked.

“I guess so,” she said with a smile, loving how Bryce could somehow make this insecurity over her job leave her mind entirely.

“I’m down for that,” Bryce said. “Can it just be dinner, though? Maybe we can do something on our own after.”

“Like what?” Sophie looked up at her.

“Literally anything. Another movie in bed. Another walk through the city but longer. Gambling on a riverboat. I don’t care.” Bryce laughed a little. “I just want as much time with you as possible.”

“I really like that idea,” she replied.

Then, Sophie stood up and wrapped her arms around Bryce’s neck. She pulled the woman in for a long hug, loving how good it felt to have someone here for her right after an interview she was no longer sure had gone well, after all. She’d never had this before, and now, she had no idea how she’d do without it when Bryce went home.


“Mon, Bridge, this is Bryce.” Sophie motioned around as she did the introduction part. “Bridge, be nice.”

“Hey! Why did I get a ‘be nice,’ and Monica didn’t?” Bridgette spoke.

“You know why,” Monica said for Sophie. “Hi, Bryce. It’s so nice to meet you.”

“Yeah. You’re a real person and everything,” Bridgette added.

“Andthat’s why,” Sophie noted, pointing to Bridgette.

“I’m a real person, yeah. Did you think Soph was making me up?”

“Well, you sounded so perfect when she talked about you, which was all the time, so if Jill hadn’t actually laid eyes on you, I don’t know that I would’ve believed you were real, no. I probably would’ve thought Sophie hit her head really hard and made you up or something.”

Sophie glared at Bridgette.

“I’m very real and very happy to be here,” Bryce said as she wrapped an arm around Sophie’s waist and pulled her against her side.

“We’re happy you’re here, too,” Monica said. “Sophie seems really happy about it as well.”

“Your table is ready,” the hostess said to Monica.

“Oh, great. Thanks,” Monica replied before she turned to Sophie and Bryce. “I paid her twenty bucks to get us ahead in the line because they don’t take reservations. I’m starving. This one has me crazy busy at work.” She pointed to Bridgette.

“You two work together?” Bryce asked as they walked toward their table.

“I’m the boss. It’s very fun,” Bridgette replied.