“She’s there?”
“You’re on speaker. Is that okay?”
“Yeah, it’s fine. Hi, Sophie,” Kelsey said.
“Hi, Kelsey,” Sophie replied with a smile.
“I kissed her. I kissed Megan,” Kelsey shared.
“We went on a date tonight, and I just dropped her off. I’m still in my car, but I drove down the block and parked before I called you. I just fucking kissed Megan!”
“You meanreallykissed, right?”
“My tongue was in her mouth, Bryce.”
“And hers was in mine. Why didn’t you ever tell me how soft a woman’s lips were? They’re so soft, Bryce. There’s no five-o’clock shadow that’s, like, midnight-o’clock shadow, really. Midnight o’clock isn’t a real time, but you know what I mean. They were so soft, and we kissed on her porch for, like, ten minutes before I left.”
“You liked it, I take it?” Bryce asked.
“Bry, Ilovedit. I’m in love with her. I know that now. I know I sound like one of those girls who meet someone, and it’s instant love.”
“Lesbians?” Sophie joked.
“Yeah. Sure,” Kelsey said. “But I know what I’ve been feeling for, like, a year now. I’m in love with my best friend, and it’s fucking amazing and terrifying, and I just want to kiss her again right now.”
“She’s probably not asleep yet,” Bryce reasoned.
Sophie laughed.
“I can’t go back,” Kelsey said. “Besides, she’s probably talking to Sean right now.”
“Sean?” Bryce asked.
“Yeah. I told her I’d callyou, and she said she’d call Sean. We divided you two up so that we both had someone to talk to.”
Bryce laughed this time and asked, “So, what happens next?”
“We go out again. She said she wanted to, and she was going to pick the place.”
“That’s good, right?”
“Bryce, I–” Kelsey stopped. “Can I trust you, Sophie?”
Sophie looked confused and said, “Yes.”
“Okay. Don’t tell Megs, but I want to have sex with her. I, like, really,reallywant to be with her. I know how she kisses now, you know?”
“Yes, Idoknow.” Bryce laughed. “I toldyouthat about Soph.”
“You did?” Sophie asked.
“Yes!” Kelsey said, a little exasperated. “She’s obsessed with you. We couldn’t get her to shut up about you. Thank fucking God, she found you.”
“Agreed,” Bryce said seriously.