Page 57 of Guarded By the Orc

Tabitha waved me off. “You don’t have to worry about us,” she said. “We’ll take power boosters before we fight those bastards.”

I nodded, knowing that once I had the completed wand in my hand, I was going to work on the boosters myself. I would imbue them with my own power, ensuring it was compatible for each of them. That was the least I could do after they were willing to defend me against the bastards who’d taken me.

“Off with you,” Floria called, waving her hand in front of herself, slumped in her chair. “Your orc’s waiting.”

A mischievous grin crossed my face.

Yes, he is.

I dance-walked my way out of the apartment to the elevator, doing a spin as it moved up to Savla’s floor. I wiggled my way down the hall, waving at Enka who passed by me with a shake of his head and an indulgent smile.

With a final moonwalk to Savla’s door, my terrible voice now joining in my dancing with a high-pitched screech, I performed for him, brandishing the wand wood with a flourish and almost taking his eye out.

He grabbed it from me, huffing out an exasperated breath as he closed the door in my face. I rolled my eyes with a huff and a muttered, “No one around here appreciates raw talent,” before making my way back to the elevator.

I startled as it eased open and I saw Rudgar standing inside it, a grin playing on his thick, luscious lips while he had one hand nonchalantly in his pocket and the other holding his phone. “Hey,” I breathed, moving over to him and running my hands up his chest as he leaned down to press a kiss to my lips. “I was just coming to meet you,” I told him.

“I know,” he chuckled, showing me the screen where I could see us standing together on the floor with the doors closing behind us.

“Were you watching me?” I gasped, shaking my head. “Because I have to say, that’s pretty stalkery and hot at the same time. We’ll have to have a long, naked talk about your behavior.”

His laugh was low and sexy while he ran his big palms across my ass, tugging me against him so I was crushed to his front. “Oh, definitely. I intend to have averylong, naked talk with you.”

“Promises, promises,” I whispered, leaning forward to swipe my tongue into the hollow of his throat. He swallowed hard, groaning low in his throat.

“I’m trying to be good, Gul-ar. I want to woo you, not make you come twenty times with my tongue buried in your sweet pussy,” he whispered.

“Can we do both?” I gasped, as his fingers curved down to grip my pussy through the pants I was wearing.

Why didn’t I wear a skirt? Too little too late.

I moaned, my eyelids heavy with lust as he rocked his engorged cock against my soft belly.

Yep. This is how I want to die. If it’s going to happen, it’s going to be from being fucked to death by this orc.

“What did you plan?” I asked him, trying to distract us both, even though that was likely not going to happen. He moved us backward, his fingers still busy, until he could tap a button on the panel.

“I’m going to blow your mind,” he murmured, swiping his tongue over my ear, making me shiver.

“Done,” I gasped, my fingers digging into the flesh of his veiny forearm. “Now I want to suck your cock.”

He snorted out a laugh, shaking his head. “Today’s not about me, Gul-ar. It’s all for you.” He groaned as if that was his long-held dream. “I’m going to make sure you know how much you mean to me.”

“I get it,” I said, nodding and then reaching up to grip his tusks, yanking him down to me so I could crash my lips against his. “I totally understand. Now let’s go to your place and I can ride you.”

He spun me around so fast I yelped, forcing me to face the mirrored wall of the elevator. “No, you’re not going to seduce me into changing my plans, Gul-ar.”

I looked at our reflection in the mirror as he curled himself around me. He wasso fucking bigthat I looked like a tiny gnat in comparison. And that wassaying something, because I was tall and curvy as fuck. I took up a lot of space, and I didn’t care.

But looking at us now, I finally understood why he treated me like a porcelain doll most of the time. I felt the strength inside of him, and I knew he held back most of the time, but I didn’t want that. I wanted all of him unleashed on me.

I smirked, a plan forming in my mind as I nuzzled my head back against him, tucking myself into the crook of his neck.

“I love you,” I told him in a low voice. “So much.”

He stiffened, as if he wasn’t expecting that, but he ran his lips over my hair. “Are you being a good girl right now?” he asked, his voice incredulous.

“The best,” I told him with a smirk.