And with one final shove of his hips, I came, spiraling out of control as every inch of my body lit up on fire. I was gasping for breath as I felt his cock jerk inside of me, pouring his come as he bellowed to the ceiling.
The rest of the moment was lost to me, as I floated in bliss up in the clouds of my brain. When I came back to myself, I was plastered across my mate’s chest and we were laying on the floor of the cave next to the pool. My breathing was still ragged, but he was running a palm down my back and I was much cooler than before.
Did I pass out from heat stroke?
My sluggish brain was trying to figure out what the hell had just happened when Rudgar shifted against me. That was when I realized his cock was still inside of me. Impossibly hard as his cum dripped down my legs.
My face flushed with heat, but I grinned, tilting my head to look up at him. He was staring down at me with so much love and affection in his gaze that I felt my heart clench hard.
“You’re going to need to kill that asshole and break this curse,” he groaned, squeezing me tight against him. “Because I can’t imagine not doing that multiple times a day for the rest of my life.”
I could barely breathe, my body still floating high on endorphins, but I choked out a laugh, because I agreed with him. There wasno wayI could live without sex with him for any long period of time now that I knew thatthatwas what it was like. A mind-blowing, life-altering event.
“Trust me, this is going to be my number one motivation,” Isaid with a grin, pressing my lips to his hard chest under my cheek. A shiver of pleasure ran through me and I saw the self-satisfied smirk cross my mate’s face.
I would have said something about it, but if I was being honest, the maledeservedto wear that look. No one else deserved it more. He’d made me come so many times I’d lost count, and they’d been so strong, so powerful, that I was almost certain I’d lost a certain level of brain function with them.
“Did you want to take a bath to clean up?” I asked with a yawn, and his grumble of disagreement made a smile curl across my lips.
The twinge in my pussy, my thighs and my stomach told me that I would be sore as hell the next day, but I couldn’t find it inside me to care. This had been the best day of my life. I had my mate, phenomenal sex, my family—three members of whom were mostdefinitelytraumatized in the cavern where they heardeverything—and the means to kill the warlock who made my life a living hell.
Everything’s coming up roses.
I snuggled into Rudgar’s chest, taking a deep breath, letting myself become drunk on his scent again as I slipped into a restful sleep.
Imoaned as Rudgar moved under me—just a slight shift of muscles, but enough for me to notice and to wake up. I peeked open an eye, glaring up at him and he grinned down at me.
“Good morning, beautiful,” he murmured in a deep, gravelly voice.
“Hey,” I croaked, realizing that I wasn’t the only one who had screamed too much last night. He had too. As the memories filled me, I wiggled over him, pouting as I realized that he was no longer filling me up with his huge cock.
“Aww,” I crooned, pressing a kiss to his bearded chin, crinkling my nose as the hairs tickled them. “No more sex?”
“If I fuck you again,” he said, his eyes darkening, “I’m sure you won’t be able to walk.”
I snorted out a laugh, leaning up to press a kiss to his lips. “That’s true.”
I slid off of him, cringing at the feel of his sticky, dried cum onthe inside of my thighs, eyeing the pool next to us. “I’m going to need a bath.”
With a miffed and exaggerated sigh, he moved us to the pool, his big hands taking their time to explore every inch of my body again. I floated in the water, allowing him full access, not waiting long before I took greedy advantage ofhisbody, touching him everywhere while “cleaning” him as well.
The slow, sloppy hand job that I gave him under the water—since my pussy was leaking for him, but all battered and achy—had him coming in no time, and I wore a smug grin on my face right up until the moment that he buried two fingers inside my pussy, strumming my clit with his thumb and I came within a minute.
Self-satisfied and on trembling legs, we exited the pool of water, laughing as we tried to shake the water off of ourselves before redressing in our clothes. I stared up at my male, love for him filling my chest.
I have fun with him.
That was something I’d never had in any relationship before. And it was something I was coming to realize was key to keeping me happy—anddear Goddess Mother, I was happy. Deliriously so.
I should be freaked out. This mating. Thiscommitmentshould bother me way more than it did. Yet here I was, settling against him and knowing that I was going to be with him for the rest of my life. And I was totally okay with that.
I was grinning up at him like an idiot when he noticed, running his fingers down my cheek. “Everything okay?” he asked, leaning down to nuzzle my nose with his.
“I love you so fucking much,” I blurted and I watched his eyes flare before he gathered me in his arms and buried his face against my hair, taking a deep breath.