Six months earlier
Iran as fast as I could, my breath gusting out of me, a stitch in my side and a sharp pain in my foot where I was certain I was bleeding.
Something’s chasing me.
The panic inside of my chest told me that it was close enough that I couldn’t look back. I had to keep going forward or I’d be snatched back into the prison that had held me.
When the males who’d worked for the grand warlock had come out of the portal to abduct me, I’d been too gobsmacked to do anything but fall on my ass. I didn’t know then who these males were, who the grand warlock was, or that they were my enemies. But I’d soon found out.
I’d yelped as they’d grabbed me and hauled me to my feet. My control over my powers was faulty at best—and shoddy at worst; which was why when I’d tried to zap them with magick, it hadn’t worked. I wasn’t experienced enough to focus when my adrenalin was high. I needed quiet so I could concentrate—which I wasalsonot good at.
They’d dragged me through the portal and into a room that had been pulled right out of my nightmares. Cold stone surrounded me along with metal shackles and cages.
I’d frozen in my tracks, not moving forward any further and they’d pulled me toward the center of the room. The man who stood there could have been the evil villain in any fantasy movie ever seen.
This is what mama warned me about.
I’d been a fool to not listen to her. When she’d warned me that I should be careful not to wield my powers without a protection shield,this was why.
A cold smile had spread across the face of the blond male in front of me. Power sparked from his fingers as he’d crooked his finger at his men to drag me closer. His gaze had swept up and down my body and his scowl told me everything I needed to know.
I guess he doesn’t like curvy girls.
“Well if it isn’t Zara,” he’d purred in a voice dripping with ice. “I’ve been looking for you. How fortuitous that you decided to use your powers on the very night we were scrying for you.”
I’d gritted my teeth, yanking my arms hard, trying to get them out of the grip of the males who were holding me on either side, but it was impossible. I’d quicker yank my shoulders out of their sockets than escape their iron grips—that woulddefinitelybe leaving marks.
“I heard that you’re even more powerful than your mother,” he’d added, moving closer to me and I’d increased my struggles.His smile had widened and I’d wondered if he enjoyed that I was hurting myself trying to get away from him.
Nix that. Of course he does. Evil fucker.
“And all that power,” he’d murmured, leaning down from his towering height to meet my gaze, “is justwaitingto be tapped.”
He’d looked at the males holding me. “Take her to her new lodgings and make sure she is secure.”
I don’t know how many weeks or months later, he’d had me dragged out of that cage and brought in front of him again. I’d scowled, angry with myself and with him that I’d been trapped here with him for so long. He was waiting for the perfect alignment of the stars before he planned on impregnating me—because, apparently, rape was how these warlocks liked to get down.
I’d been kept in a cage with chains up until now. But as the day had neared, he’d decided to move me to his tower. In case he needed to try a few times. I’d gagged at the thought, struggling not to be physically sick.
I would die before I let this monster touch me.
He’d flicked his eyes over to the male holding my right arm. The male had stiffened, his hold on me loosening just a little, but I’d figured it would be the only escape I might get. “Get her settled in and then—”
I’d yanked my right arm free and lunged forward, lifting my right leg until I’d slammed my knee into the crotch of the asshole in front of me. A wheezing gasp was the only sound I’d heard as the male to my left loosened his grip in shock. I’d pulled my arm free of him as well, my power fizzling for a moment before a low-grade blast pummeled them both in the face.
Damn it, powers, get your shit together!
I’d pivoted and run to the door, faced with the third male. I’d lifted my hand again and instead of stopping me, he’d whimpered, crouching down and covering his head. Rolling my eyes, I’d run past him, yanking the wooden door open.
Thank the Goddess Mother it wasn’t locked!
The pitch blackness that met me was jarring at first, but I’d known better than to hesitate. I couldn’t take the chance that the asshole behind me would recover. I already heard his minions starting to chase me.
I’d dashed out the door and run into the darkness. Now I was far enough away from the building that I wondered if I would be able to get away. The shouts from behind me told me that the answer was abig fat no.