Page 71 of Guarded By the Orc

I kept my gaze on his, my chin lifted as the blast left his hand. I wouldn’t be cowed by him.

And that was when the worst thing possible happened. I watched with horror as Rudgar jumped in front of me, his huge body taking the full brunt of the dark spell. A scream left me, but I didn’t lower my arms.


The sickening crunch of his rib breaking was loud in the air around us before he slumped to the ground.

Vengeance, fury and grief filled me in a way it never had before. The spell that was already working its way around himbecame stronger, surging with the anger that was alive inside me. The purple waves became ropes, holding his arms and legs tight, binding him, surrounding him.

They tightened hard, and he dropped his staff. One swirling purple rope came around his neck, tightening even more, and I watched as his eyes—as black as night with the dark magick he had been wielding—went wide and panicked.

The spell that he’d cast had been too strong—aimed to kill—and he’d need time to recuperate before he could protect himself. I wouldn’t give him that chance. Even as I fought the pain, fear and tears over my fallen mate, I felt the surge of fury rend through me and strengthen my spell.

His eyes met mine, transmitting the fear that I savored with every inch of my body.

Good. I hope you suffer.

But I didn’t have time to enjoy this. With one wave of my hand, I severed his head from his body, garroting him with my magick. In that moment, the battlefield was silent as everyone watched in shock.

I swore I could hear the slide of his head as it fell from his body. In the next moment, the sound was back, crashing into my brain with an overwhelming force. I didn’t have time to focus on anything.

My knees were weak, my magick almost drained, but I didn’t hesitate to move, kneeling next to Rudgar.

“Rud, sweetheart,” I gasped, cradling his face as I turned him to face me, my hands shaking against his green skin. “Please, tell me you’re okay.”

I looked down at where there was a scorch mark on his chest, burning into his shirt and skin. My gorgeous male had been tainted by Veron’s foul magick.

“Please,” I gasped, leaning my face against his chest, where his heart was, listening.

There was still so much noise that I wanted to scream at everyone to be quiet, but I was too busy. Too sick with the helpless, straining emotion in my chest.

He can’t be gone, he just can’t.

But there was nothing. Absolutely nothing.

No, no, no.

The thick, choking sob that left my chest made me want to slap myself. I needed silence. Silence so I could hear—nothing.

A wail sounded around me, and I didn’t know where it was coming from until I realized it was me. I pressed my hand to his unmoving chest—no breath, no nothing.

Goddess Mother, Mom, anyone listening. Please. Please don’t let this be the end.

As a sob wracked my body, I squeezed my eyes shut, begging whoever was listening to give me this one thing. I couldn’t make it without him.

The jolt of magick that left my hand wasn’t my own. My eyes flew open as I saw a pale blue glow, pulsing into Rudgar.


I held my breath as the magick continued, encompassing the area where my mate had been scorched with the spell.

Please help him.

I watched, still begging, as the last of my strength left my body, taken with the spell, but I didn’t care. It could kill me as long as it brought him back.

And that was when I felt it. I froze, the sweetest feeling in the world moving under my hand. A thump. Followed by another. Irregular, but there.
